
Legal Notice

The information provided on our website relates to general information about MICE Concierge provision of accommodation booking services. If you have any specific queries please contact us immediately.

Our details

MICE Concierge Ltd is a limited company registered in England & Wales under company number 8121988 and our registered office is Suite 7, 1st Floor, Southgate house, St Georges Way, Stevenage SG1 1HG. We may be contacted at this address and correspondence should be addressed to Andrew Bowers.

The information and hotels published on this website ("the Information") do not constitute any contractual or other binding commitment on MICE Concierge Ltd. Any contractual or other binding commitment subsequently entered into with MICE Concierge Ltd shall be subject to MICE Concierge’s standard terms and conditions of trading or such other terms and conditions as are agreed in writing by MICE Concierge Ltd The Information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. MICE Concierges Ltd has made reasonable efforts to ensure that the Information is accurate at the time of inclusion. However, like any printed material, the information may be out of date at the time of access by the visitor. MICE Concierge Ltd shall not be liable for any error or omission in, or any failure to update, such Information and any decisions based on the information are the sole responsibility of the visitor. MICE Concierge Ltd reserves the right to make changes to this web site at any time without notice.

No warranty or representation, express or implied, is given concerning the Information and MICE Concierge Ltd specifically disclaims any implied warranties or conditions as to title, description, satisfactory quality, fitness for purpose or non- infringement of third party intellectual property rights. In the case of jurisdictions which restrict the scope of limitation clauses, this limitation shall be applied to the fullest extent permitted by local law. MICE Concierge Ltd accept no liability, either directly or indirectly, for consequential loss arising from any use of this website, including, without limitation, any loss of profits, business interruption, loss of programmes or other data on information handling systems, or otherwise. The user must make independent checks to assess the suitability of hotels selected or information provided to satisfy themselves that the goods and services are satisfactory. MICE Concierge Ltd will take every reasonable step to ensure that rate information is kept up to date. However, discounted rates listed on the website are as a guideline only, due to the changing nature of the hotel industry MICE Concierge Ltd cannot guarantee the accuracy of these rates and they may become out of date.

Certain links on this website may lead to other websites over which MICE Concierge Ltd has no control. Accordingly, MICE Concierge Ltd accepts no liability, either directly or indirectly, for the information contained on such other websites.

Any comments or materials sent to MICE Concierge Ltd through this website, including answers to questions or suggestions, shall be deemed to be non-confidential. MICE Concierge Ltd has no obligation with respect to such comments or materials and shall be free to reproduce, use or distribute such comments or materials without limitation. Furthermore, MICE Concierge Ltd shall have free use of any ideas, concepts, know-how or techniques contained in such comments or materials.

All Information, including any hypertext links are copyright and the property of MICE Concierge Ltd. Any visitor to the website is not authorized to copy, distribute, reproduce, transfer or sell any information obtained on the website. Nor can you use any software tools to gain information from the website.

The Information is intended for UK residents and others who are able to view the Information without causing a contravention of any national or local legal or regulatory requirements.