
All CategoriesNews & Politics100 channels



Raising nerdy to the power of awesome.



List25 compiles lesser-known intriguing information on a variety of subjects. New list 5 days a week. Thank you so much for watching our videos. We've received a lot of support and appreciate everything you do. Please consider subscribing and spreading the word. We try to answer all messages, so please feel free to say wassup. -Syed and David




El Pulso De La República

El Pulso De La República



RT is a global news channel broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. With a global reach of over 630 million people, or over 25% of all cable subscribers worldwide, RT news covers the major issues of our time for viewers wishing to question more. Our team of young news professionals has made RT the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark. Question more - together with RT.



SourceFedNERD is where we get to talk about and do all the cool and not so cool things that we Love!!! It's More of Everything and Anything you should and shouldn't know about on a daily basis from @SourceFed What do you NERD?



I put words in people's mouths. baracksdubs mashes together presidential speeches to the tune of popular music, based on fan requests. If the president sings it, it's a worthy song. Have a suggestion for a song? Tweet the suggestion with the hashtag #baracksdubs. For business or press inquiries, email baracksdubs@gmail.com. Thank you!

غرم البيشي

غرم البيشي

TEDx Talks

TEDx Talks

TEDx is an international community that organizes TED-style events anywhere and everywhere -- celebrating locally-driven ideas and elevating them to a global stage. TEDx events are produced independently of TED conferences, each event curates speakers on their own, but based on TED's format and rules.

Dan Bull

Dan Bull

Hi. I'm Dan Bull, a British geek rapper and vlogger. I rap about games, politics, the internet, and feelings. You may know me from my Skyrim and Assassin's Creed raps, and my letter to Lily Allen. I am "BFFs" with Boyinaband, Yogscast, NerdCubed, and Boogie2988. Series I make: - GAME RAPS - hip hop tracks about games and gaming issues - LOVEBOMB - introducing you to amazing undiscovered YouTube channels and jizzing them with love - LYRIC OR SATIRIC - gameshow where participants invent lyrics in the style of famous srtists - INTERCOURSE TIME - awkward vlog chats with various guests - OPEN LETTERS - I write musical letters to people who need schooling. As a result, I sometimes end up on the news Issues I fight for: - DIGITAL RIGHTS - FREE SPEECH - ANIMAL WELFARE & ENVIRONMENT As well as being Dan Bull, I share my channel with some alter egos, such as right-wing football hooligan Terry Bull, and even righter-wing cryogenically thawed maniac Douglby Digby. How are you?



The official YouTube video channel of ABS-CBN News and Current Affairs. Updated daily with the latest breaking news! Subscribe now! - http://goo.gl/7lR5ep or visit our website at http://www.abs-cbnnews.com

شبكة رصد | RASSD

شبكة رصد | RASSD

القناة الرسمية لـ"شبكة رصد الإخبارية" راقب وصور الأحداث ، وأرسلها مباشرة عبر رسائل الصفحة: www.fb.com/messages/RNN.NEWS رصد .. إعلامٌ يصنعُه الجُمهور



Make sure to Subscribe to our New Channel http://youtube.com/ForHumanPeoples for more Awesomeness! Everything that should and shouldn't matter to you explained and broken apart by people who vomit words.



البرنامج؟ مع باسم يوسف في موسمه الثالث على MBC Masr و Deutsche Welle ويمكنك مشاهدة تصوير الحلقات على مسرح راديو بوسط البلد كل يوم اربعاء اذا كنت احد اكثر ٥ اشخاص تفاعلا مع القناة على يوتيوب. مواعيد البث (بتوقيت القاهرة) MBC MASR: العرض الأول: الجمعة ١٠ مساء الاعادة : السبت ١٠:٣٠ مساء Deutsche Welle: السبت ٦ مساء احجز تذكرتك على http://www.albernameg.com

VideoYoum7 | قناة اليوم السابع

VideoYoum7 | قناة اليوم السابع

فيديو7 .. أول قناة تليفزيونية تفاعلية على الانترنت ترصد الحدث لحظة بلحظة ، من خلال أكبر شبكة من المراسلين والمصورين ، فى جميع محافظات مصر وبعض دول العالم . وتتيح للجمهور والمشاهدين حق نشر فيديوهاتهم والتعليق عليها.



Obama for America Welcome to the official Obama for America YouTube channel. Watch videos of President Obama and clips of grassroots supporters organizing around the President's agenda for change. Subscribe to get the latest videos!

Barcroft TV

Barcroft TV

The home of amazing exclusive video. We update our YouTube site regularly with incredible stories and footage so stay tuned for more! All our music comes from www.SyncTracks.com

The Amazing Atheist

The Amazing Atheist

The Amazing Atheist is a professional ranter who yells loudly in empty rooms, and puts videos of it on the internet. Occasionally he reads a book or watches a movie--but mostly he just yells about things for your amusement and/or disgust.



قناة د.محمد العريفي على اليوتيوب

OtarioAnonymous (Canal do Otário)

OtarioAnonymous (Canal do Otário)

Sou o pior pesadelo de empresas e pessoas que promovem propaganda enganosa. (Inscreva-se) I'm the worst nightmare of companies and people that promote misleading advertisement. (Subscribe) Soy la peor pesadilla para empresas y personas que promuevan publicidad engañosa. Ich bin der größte Albtraum von Firmen und Personen die irreführende Werbung betreiben. Je suis le pire cauchemar pour les entreprises et les personnes qui favorisent la publicité mensongère. (english subtitles / subtítulos en español / deutsch untertitel / français sous-titres / legendas em português)



Every view on this channel counts toward charity. Jumbafund is proud to announce that with your help and viewership we created a school in Lenana called the Jumba Lenana Academy! For more info check out the Supply: http://www.thesupply.org/KevJumba Contact: Jumbafund@gmail.com

Nice Peter

Nice Peter

Music and humor to distract you from the trials of life. Please subscribe, leave a comment, let me know what's on your mind.

HK Apple Daily 蘋果動新聞

HK Apple Daily 蘋果動新聞

蘋果日報 Fans,24小時陪你睇新聞,你 like 咗未?↓↓↓

قناة آرام - ARAM TV

قناة آرام - ARAM TV

قناة آرام تي في... تختص القناة بكل ما يرقى بالمجتمعات العربية فكراً و روحاً. من إنتاجنا: برنامج خواطر و برنامج لو كان بيننا و برنامج صمتاً لأحمد الشقيري و القادم دائما أحسن و أجمل

Al Jazeera Arabic

Al Jazeera Arabic

الجزيرة خدمة إعلامية عربية الانتماء عالمية التوجه شعارها الرأي والرأي الآخر وهي منبر تعددي ينشد الحقيقة ويلتزم المبادئ المهنية في إطار مؤسسي. وإذ تسعى الجزيرة لنشر الوعي العام بالقضايا التي تهم الجمهور فإنها تطمح إلى أن تكون جسرا بين الشعوب والثقافات يعزز حق الإنسان في المعرفة وقيم التسامح والديمقراطية واحترام الحريات وحقوق الإنسان.



قناة انطلقت من الثورة والى الثورة

FUNKER530 - Veteran Community & Combat Footage

FUNKER530 - Veteran Community & Combat Footage

I feel extremely blessed to have been given the privilege of reaching so many, so easily through YouTube and Facebook. I feel that it is my responsibility to expand the capabilities of FUNKER530 in 2014, in ways that more directly help a larger amount of veterans. Profits from FUNKER530 are donated regularly to veteran related charities, our community provides a platform for veterans looking to share their experiences, and it broadcasts the Military Minds' videos which give veterans dealing with PTSD an outlet to share, and let others know they aren't alone. In 2013 we have taken it a step further and have begun working with Homes For Our Troops who builds homes for our severely injured combat veterans. I know this community will help this amazing organization grow and get our veterans the help they deserve. - Funker This channel is in no way affiliated with any Government, DND or DoD. Videos and links on this channel hold no official endorsement.



Nilesat 12053 Vertical www.ONtveg.com



The RSA is a non-profit organisation working to meet 21st century challenges by showcasing ideas, undertaking innovative research and building civic capacity around the world. To learn more about the RSA, visit: http://www.thersa.org Our events are made possible with the support of our Fellowship. Support us by donating or applying to become a Fellow at http://www.thersa.org/fellowship Download the podcasts to listen to events in full (unedited versions available including Q&A sessions) at http://www.thersa.org/events/audio-and-past-events You can book to attend RSA Events for free, and you can also listen or watch our events live online. Find out about RSA Events coming up by following @rsaevents on twitter or visiting: http://www.thersa.org/events Keep up-to-date with our work - you can read our blogs (http://www.rsablogs.org.uk), follow us on Twitter (@thersaorg) and Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/thersaorg).



JustKiddingNews. Real News. Realer Opinions.

GMA News

GMA News

The official YouTube Channel of GMA News and Public Affairs. http://www.gmanetwork.com/news

CBC Egypt

CBC Egypt

سى بى سى قناة مصرية منوعة تهدف إلى إعلام راقي يطرح ويناقش آراء جميع طوائف المجتمع المصري لتلعب بذلك دوراً فعالا في مواجهة تحديات مرحلة ما بعد الثورة ، وطرح رؤي وحلول مستفبلية افضل من خلال برامجها المتعددة. الهدف المحوري للقناة هو توسيع المفاهيم وسد الفجوات ومساعدة المشاهد علي تكوين وجهات نظر واتخاذ مواقف بلا تأثير أو ضغوط من خلال توضيح الصورة كاملة أمامه ومناقشة مختلف الاراء

Associated Press

Associated Press

The Associated Press is the essential global news network, delivering fast, unbiased news from every corner of the world to all media platforms and formats. AP's commitment to independent, comprehensive journalism has deep roots. Founded in 1846, AP has covered all the major news events of the past 165 years, providing high-quality, informed reporting of everything from wars and elections to championship games and royal weddings. AP is the largest and most trusted source of independent news and information. Today, AP employs the latest technology to collect and distribute content - we have daily uploads covering the latest and breaking news in the world of politics, sport and entertainment. Join us in a conversation about world events, the newsgathering process or whatever aspect of the news universe you find interesting or important.






إبدأ الحوار، هو الشعار الجديد لقناة الآن الذي سوف يقوم برسم خريطة الطريق لبرامجها بناء على مفاتيح الشعار : الحوار و التفاعل مع المشاهد . من العرب ولكل العرب، صقلت الآن هويتها من خلال تغطيتها للأحداث ذات المصداقية العالية، ومن متابعتها لتفاصيل الحياة اليومية للناس جاء نبضها الحقيقي، حتى رأي المشاهد يصبح أصل الحدث ومصنع مجرياته وتطوراته. برامج الآن تمكنت من أن تصل لكل العرب في مختلف بلدانهم وأماكن تواجدهم، تتوخى بأداءها وأسلوبها الممتع، أن تصل إلى قلوبهم، وتسعى لأن توجد جواً من التفاعل معهم، تصل لإهتماماتهم وتناقش همومهم، وتساعد على إيجاد الحلول، أو خلق بواد رالأمل أمامهم. وأوجدت الآن حيزاً استراتيجياً للمرأة، فهي القناة الأولى الرائدة في عالم المرأة في المنطقة، كانت السباقة لمناقشة مشكلاتها وقضاياها وفتح ملفات شائكة حول وضعها في المجتمع ونظرته لها، وجعلت صوتها مسموعاً http://akhbar.alaan.tv

Jefferson Bethke

Jefferson Bethke

Hey everyone! Welcome to my channel. Here you can expect a good dose of random with hopefully a big chunk of awesome. I make videos that attempt to make people think differently about a myriad of different things in life. Mostly though, you can find stuff on this channel about dating, Jesus, the Bible, relationships, and anything that will try to bring hope and inspiration. Love you guys! PS If you enjoy this channel, would you consider supporting so I can continue to make the videos free? Giving away signed books, posters, thank you video's, etc to anyone who helps out! Love you guys & appreciate this crazy awesome community we got here! You all rock. Support here: https://subbable.com/jeffersonbethke



News, politics, geopolitical analysis and philosophy for those who like to think outside the box. New videos every week day.

RT на русском

RT на русском

RT — это круглосуточный информационный телеканал, вещающий из России по всему миру на английском, арабском и испанском языках. Теперь новости RT доступны и на русском. Присоединяйтесь!

UTURNent | يوتيرن

UTURNent | يوتيرن

يوتيرن قناة يوتيوبيه تقدم برامج متنوعه على اليوتيوب. اكثر من 240 مليون مشاهد وفي ازدياد. تابعوا حساباتنا وبرامجنا الاخرى على الفيس بوك، تويتر، قوقل بلس، انستقرام وكيك.



Mozart La Para Official Music Channel on YouTube.



Truthloader is part of a network of channels, including This Is Genius http://bit.ly/1mHjF4C for science and comedy & Game On http://bit.ly/1hYofEy for gaming news and exclusives. We look deeper into stories, questioning the mainstream narrative and providing context to the news to bring you alternative views and opinions. We have regular live interviews and debates with amazing participants. Past contributors have included VSauce, Jacque Fresco, Myles Dyer, Max Keiser, Leslie Kean and many more. Suggest guests, we'll try to get them on. We will respond to the stories you're interested in, so if you've got a story you'd love us to get to the bottom of, tweet us, Facebook us, or respond to our videos with a comment - and perhaps check out our reddit. www.facebook.com/truthloader www.twitter.com/truthloader

Alshakhanah Alshangy

Alshakhanah Alshangy

إحنا هانفضل نتكلم و نقول ومش عارف إيه وكدهون لكن الخلاصة .. آن الأوان أن ترحلي يا دولة العواجيز ..



Descubre la verdad que nos ocultan...



美国之音VOA卫视通过亚太5号卫星Ku频段(小耳朵)以及亚洲3号卫星C和11H频段向中国大陆以及亚洲其他国家和地区的华人播送普通话电视节目。 VOA卫视节目不仅有及时准确的国际要闻和深入客观的时事分析,还有许多引人入胜的电视特写。 我们也欢迎您浏览美国之音的中文网站,收看或收听我们的多媒体报道和英语教学内容。 我们的网址是:http://www.voachinese.com/ 腾讯微博: http://t.qq.com/voaxinwen 如果您对我们的网站有任何建议或意见,欢迎发电邮给我们。来函请寄: chinese@voanews.com

Al Nahar TV

Al Nahar TV

Welcome to the official Al-Nahar YouTube Channel. Subscribe to our channel and share it with your friends. Description Al-Nahar is an Egyptian, general entertainment, free-to-air TV channel broadcasting from Cairo, Egypt. The essence of the channel is to play a constructive role in Egypt's society by presenting all the challenges, potentials and opportunities in the post-revolution era. The channel' s core objective is to widen understandings, bridge gaps, and allow the viewer to form his/her opinion through presenting the full picture, conveying all points of views, and discussing all possibilities. Al-Nahar started its live broadcast on June 30, 2011. Currently, most of the shows on-air are skewed towards analyzing the political, economic and social events. You can watch Al-Nahar on: 11488, Polarity: Horizontal, Symbol Rate: 27500. Official Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/alnahareg Official Twitter Account: www.twitter.com/Al_NaharTV

Tv9 Telugu

Tv9 Telugu

The Associated Broadcasting Company Pvt Ltd (ABCL) is one of the fastest growing media companies in India today. We started with a 24-hour news channel (TV9 AP) in Andhra Pradesh in 2004, and quickly became a ratings leader there with our unique brand of bold and fearless journalism. In just four years we've added seven more channels to our bouquet, each a major player in its métier:



PEGADINHAS & ETC - THE ORIGINAL CHANNEL! Canal sem fins lucrativos com pegadinhas, vinhetas da TV, música, vídeos engraçados e muitas outras novidades e velharias! Seja bem-vindo! Channel non-profit on YouTube with Brazilian pranks, music, funny videos and many other new and old stuff! Welcome!

Громадське ТБ

Громадське ТБ

Hromadske.tv - це громадянська ініціатива, спільний проект відомих українських журналістів зі створення громадського мультимедійного медіа, завданням якого є об'єктивне та неупереджене інформування про важливі громадсько-політичні, економічні, культурні, соціальні процеси без цензури, лише у відповідності до публічних засад редакційної політики в умовах прозорого фінансування та звітування. http://hromadske.tv/



VICE News is an international news channel created by and for a connected generation. Our documentaries and original news series bring you an unvarnished look at some of the most important events of our time, and shine a light on underreported stories around the globe.

Mustafa Hosny

Mustafa Hosny

اهلا بكم في القناة الرسمية للداعية مصطفى حسني والتي تشمل برامج، لقاءات ودروس مصطفى حسني ويمكنكم تحميلها من خلال الرابط التالي : http://web.mustafahosny.com/section.php?id=16

The White House

The White House

RT en Español

RT en Español

RT en español ofrece una alternativa real en el mundo de la información. Las noticias de actualidad de las que no hablan los principales canales internacionales adquieren importancia mundial en RT en español. Los videos de última hora y toda las noticias que se generan a cada instante. Los documentales y reportajes especiales que le mostrarán la cara que no conocía de Rusia y del mundo. Programas que salen cada semana: - Keiser Report en español (MARTES, JUEVES Y SÁBADO) - Desde la sombra (TODOS LOS MIÉRCOLES) - Detrás de la noticia (TODOS LOS VIERNES) Con información en español desde Rusia para el mundo. RT en español ¡SEPA MÁS!

القناة الرسمية للشيخ ياسر الدوسري

عضو هيئة التدريس بجامعة الملك سعود ،، عضو الجمعية الفقهية السعودية ،، عضو الجمعية القضائية السعودية ،، إمام وخطيب جامع الدخيل بالرياض ،،

Mormon Channel

Mormon Channel

Mormon Channel is the media channel of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Unless otherwise indicated, all content on this channel is copyrighted by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. Comment Policy: Please note that comments that are profane, crude, insensitive, off topic or contain personal attacks will not be approved. For more information and content about Mormons, visit:

Max Kolonko - MaxTV

Max Kolonko - MaxTV

Number One opinionated news channel on YouTube Max Kolonko is New York broadcast journalist, author, writer, director, former senior White House correspondent for Poland's TVP




Arnold Schwarzenegger

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Former Mr. Olympia, Conan, Terminator, and Governor of California. I killed the Predator. I told you I'd be back.



Welcome to Shakira's Official YouTube Channel. Bienvenidos al Canal Oficial de Shakira en Youtube Hit SUBSCRIBE to get Shakira's latest videos first. SUSCRIBASE aquí para ser el primero en recibir los vídeos de Shakira. For official music videos go to - Para ver los videos oficiales: youtube.com/shakiraVEVO

Amr Khaled

Amr Khaled

اهلا وسهلا بكم في القناه الرسمية للدكتور عمرو خالد , تشاهدون هنا جميع المرئيات والبرامج للدكتور عمرو خالد اشترك في القناه الآن لمتابعة كل جديد .................. Welcome to the official Channel of Dr Amr Khaled , Here you Watch all the visuals and TV program of Dr Amr Khaled .. Subscribe on this channel Now for the all-new



Alex Jones and his team of Infowars reporters are breaking down the electronic Berlin Wall of media control by reaching millions of people around the world - with more waking up every day. Circumventing the dying dinosaur media systems of information suppression, Infowars and the Alex Jones Channel are a beacon of truth in a maelstrom of lies and deception. You have found the tip of the spear in alternative media - Infowars is on the front lines in the battle to reclaim our rights, dignity and our destiny by exposing the control freaks who seek to turn the globe into a prison planet.



MEDI 1 TV, la chaîne Marocaine et du Grand Maghreb. La chaîne de l'information, des débats, de la connaissance et du divertissement

Bakous News

Bakous News

لا انكر الواقع ولكن من حقى ان ارفضه واعيش من اجل تغييره او اصلاحه . محمد باكوس تابعونى على مواقع التواصل https://www.facebook.com/MohamedBakous https://twitter.com/MohamedBakous



Manoto1 is an energizing, cutting edge channel, breaking all boundaries of Persian speaking television. It entertains, informs and intellectually stimulates its' viewers through a plethora of current, high standard and original shows. It has revolutionised the art and the technology of televised programming by providing Persian speaking viewers with fresh, original material ranging from documentaries and foreign affairs to talent shows and comedy sketches. Manoto1 can be reached on the following frequencies: Satellite - Hotbird 9 Transponder - 31 Downlink signal frequency - 11137 MHz Downlink Polarisation - Horizontal Symbol Rate: 23000 & Satellite - Arabsat (Badr4) Transponder: 21 Frequency: 12111 Symbol Rate: 27500 Polarisation: Horizontal & Yahsat Transponder:19 Frequency:12072 Symbol Rate:27500 Polarisation: Vertical

Al Jazeera Mubasher Misr قناة الجزيرة مباشر مصر

الصفحة الرسمية لقناة الجزيرة مباشر مصر

Oxlack Investigador

Oxlack Investigador

Oxlack Castro Investigador y exponente de fenómenos de misterio, paranomales y ufologicos en este espacio se presentaran los análisis de diferentes evidencias por parte del grupo de investigación Asociación Oxlack

TYT University

TYT University

Feed your brain with new videos every day at 12pm Eastern/9am Pacific! TYTU is here every day to challenge your preconceptions, expose you to amazing new facts and scientific discoveries, motivate you to see things from new perspectives, and inspire you to learn more about the world and the people around you. Hosted by John Iadarola, Lisa Ferguson and friends. Check out our channel trailer here: http://bit.ly/MeWIpu

Invisible Children

Invisible Children

Invisible Children uses film, creativity and social action to end the use of child soldiers in Joseph Kony's rebel war and restore LRA-affected communities in East and Central Africa to peace and prosperity. We believe in the equal and inherent value of all human life. We believe that a worldview bound by borders is outdated and that stopping injustice anywhere is the responsibility of humanity everywhere. We call this ethos the Fourth Estate.

BBC News

BBC News

Welcome to the official BBC News YouTube channel. Interested in global news with an impartial perspective? Want to see behind-the-scenes clips and footage directly from the front-line? Our YouTube channel has all this and more, bringing you specially selected clips from the world's most trusted news source. Check out our playlists to find the latest clips and let us know what you think by leaving a comment. Don't forget to subscribe to the official BBC News YouTube channel for daily video updates! Tune into BBC World News for 24 hour news on TV. Check out BBC News on mobile and download our app for iPhone, Android and Kindle Fire. The official BBC News YouTube channel is operated by BBC Global News Ltd which comprises BBC World News the 24hr TV channel and bbc.com/news, the international news website.



NDTV is one of the leaders in the production and broadcasting of un-biased and comprehensive news and entertainment programs in India and abroad. It offers round-the-clock coverage of latest news and has a unique mix of news bulletins, current affairs, talk shows, and general interest and entertainment programs. The company operates NDTV 24X7, an English news channel; NDTV India, a Hindi news channel; NDTV Profit, a business channel; and NDTV Good Times, India's first lifestyle channel. NDTV's verticals cover an entire gamut of news and beyond news encompassing recipes, travel, entertainment, shopping, books, health, gadgets and special features. NDTV delivers reliable information across all platforms: TV, Internet and Mobile. NDTV broadcasts its programs in Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Maldives, Nepal, Middle East, Mauritius, South Africa, Europe, US, Canada & ANZ.

Zumba Fitness

Zumba Fitness

The Zumba® program is a fitness-party with a contagious blend of Latin and international rhythms that provides a fun and effective workout to a global community, either at home or in the gym.

Canal Putzvéi

Canal Putzvéi

Programa de Humor via Web Contato: programaputzvei@gmail.com / soueugabriell@hotmail.com

老外看中國、老外看台灣 | A Laowai's View of China & Taiwan | 郝毅博 Ben Hedges


Pat Condell

Pat Condell


Alsumaria السومرية

Alsumaria السومرية

الصفحة الرسمية لقناة السومرية العراقية على يو تيوب لمزيد من الفيديوهات والبرامج والاخبار يمكنكم زيارة موقع القناة على النت: www.alsumaria.tv



The most trusted news television channel for the Malayalee

الشيخ صالح المغامسي

الشيخ صالح المغامسي

تدار القناة عبر موقع الراسخون في العلم وهو الموقع الرسمي لفضيلة الشيخ صالح المغامسي

Was Geht Ab!?

Was Geht Ab!?

Auf Was Geht Ab bringen wir euch täglich die aktuellen News und Infos aus der ganzen Welt! News von Montag bis Freitag! Postfach: Was Geht Ab!? c/o Mediakraft GmbH Poststr. 4/5 10178 Berlin (Ausschließlich Postannahme!)

Mark Dice

Mark Dice

Mark Dice is a media analyst, author, and political activist who exposes the Illuminati, the New World Order, and Big Brother government Orwellian spying. Buy his books in paperback from Amazon.com, or download the ebooks right now from Kindle, iBooks, Nook, or Google Play. He is an expert on secret societies and conspiracies and has been featured on various television shows including the History Channel's Decoded and America's Book of Secrets, Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura, Secret Societies of Hollywood on E! Channel, America Declassified on the Travel Channel, and is a frequent guest on Coast to Coast AM, The Alex Jones Show, and more. In an entertaining and educational way, Mark gets people to question our celebrity obsessed culture and the role the mainstream media and elite secret societies play in shaping our lives. Mark Dice is the author of several popular books on secret societies and conspiracies, including The Illuminati: Facts & Fiction.



What's up! I'm Amanda Lee (AmaLee) and I'm a voice actress and vocalist~ On this channel you'll find I mostly post English adaptations to anime and video game songs but that doesn't mean I won't post other silly things from time to time! Thank you so much for all of your love and support~! It keeps me going :) ♦ Have a question? http://ask.fm/amaamaleelee ♦ Donation box: http://tinyurl.com/DonateToLeeandLie ♦ Check out my vlog channel! http://www.youtube.com/leeandlietv ♦ Want to send me mail? I love letters! -- PO BOX #227 Fontana WI 53125 IF YOU'RE READING THIS THAT PROBABLY MEANS YOU WANT MORE! Hey, I have an idea! You should follow me on Facebook & Twitter! Wait, wait -- don't stop reading! Just hear me out! I post a ton of updates like behind the scenes, sneak peeks (or sneak listens!) and sometimes I even run polls of what covers you guys want to hear next! Come on, admit you're tempted to at least check it out!

AlMasry AlYoum

AlMasry AlYoum

Al Masry Al Youm TV.. Daily shows, films and investigative reports from Egypt and the Middle East

Seka Moke

Seka Moke

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) of the United Nations has recognized the need to protect performers in audiovisual media. This also concern African performers when cultural concerts are recorded in audiovisual platforms. African performers usually receive very little compensation when transferring rights to western producers, without taking into account the potential for online exploitation. However, on June 24, 2012, WIPO signed the Audiovisual Performances Treaty, which restored certain rights back to African performers. Among others, here is one article that is relevant to YouTube and other social media: Article 10: Rights of Making Available of Fixed Performances Performers shall enjoy the exclusive right of authorizing the making available to the public of their performances fixed in audiovisual fixations, by wire or wireless means, in such a way that members of the public may access them from a place and at a time individually chosen by them, eg YouTube.

William Hyde

William Hyde

All the videos from the time I did YouTube professionally from 2008-2012. It was one of the most insane, most exciting, most rewarding, most scaring things i've ever done in my life. Enjoy YouTube Winners & Losers and look back at how different the top 100 most subscribed on this site used to be. Enjoy YouTube News and watch what were the top issues facing the Youtube creator community during 2009-2012. wishing you the best and hopefully i can convert you all to EA fans now ;)



KiniTV is an internet TV where viewers play an active role in shaping the news agenda and disseminating news items, revolutionizing the delivery of independent, accurate and timely news.





This channel is a news and vlog commentary channel. I take news reports and give my opinion on the particular story. My vlogs are inspired by events in my life,the world and subscriber request. You can expect a balanced opinion in my video commentaries. I don't seek to offend no one but must speak the truth in my videos. I would like to thank you for visiting my channel and hope you become a subscriber.

La Cosa

La Cosa

LaCosa è il web channel del Blog di Beppe Grillo. Un collettore di idee prese dalla rete e condivise in rete. Diventa interattore de La Cosa e inviaci i tuoi video originali a video.lacosa@gmail.com



I'm Daniel. I'm a geek, cosplayer, pianist, Star Wars fanatic and wanna be Sith Lord ruling the empire. I build computers, work in Adobe After Effects, love zombies, and must have coffee every day. Contact: Mrrepzion@gmail.com



最新最全最搞笑的袁腾飞视频,包括袁Sir讲课类,演讲类,访谈类等等等等。 每个视频都有相对应的播放列表,具体地址可在视频"显示相关信息"中查找



Cadenatres Noticias

Cadenatres Noticias

El canal de noticias líder en México con toda la información nacional y del mundo. Entérate en tiempo real de la vida pública, política y acontecimientos de máxima importancia, con la mejor cobertura en tiempo real.

RT Arabic

RT Arabic

قناة "RT Arabic" الفضائية هيئة إخبارية إعلامية ناطقة باللغة العربية تابعة الى مؤسسة "تي في -- نوفوستي" المستقلة غير التجارية. بدأت القناة البث في 4 مايو/أيار عام 2007. يتضمن برنامج بث القناة أخبارا سياسية واقتصادية وثقافية ورياضية وجولات في الصحافة وبرامج دورية وأفلاما وثائقية وتحقيقات مصورة. تبث القناة 24 ساعة يوميا خلال سبعة أيام في الأسبوع. ويتم بث برامج القناة من موسكو بواسطة عدد من الأقمار الصناعية وهي BADR 4 HotBird-6 ،Nilesat 103

KAZUYA Channel

KAZUYA Channel

時事問題、政治、歴史など個人的に気になった話題をわかりやすく2分程度で毎日夜9時にお届けする教養動画チャンネルです。 ブログ、ツイッター、フェイスブック、ニコニコ動画など様々な媒体に進出しています。詳しくはブログをご覧下さい。

RT America

RT America

RT America is the US based arm of RT, a 24-hour English-language international broadcast news network.

Aaj Tak

Aaj Tak

Aaj Tak is India's leading news channel. We cover politics, sports, entertainment and cinema.

أكبر قناة إسلامية علي اليوتيوب

أكبر قناة إسلامية علي اليوتيوب

سنجعلها القناة رقم 1 علي اليوتيوب بإذن الله



人在做,天在看!天看完了,该怎么办呢...... 老天爷可能就是信仰者心目中的神明,他不会因为我们的无神论的观点而不存在 ......



MTV Lebanon's official YouTube channel. For more go to http://mtv.com.lb

TV Pública - Argentina

TV Pública - Argentina

La TV Pública de Argentina ofrece fragmentos de sus programas, basados en criterios de calidad y equilibrio entre información, formación y entretenimiento. TV Pública -Argentine national public television- , offers segments of their programmes, based on criteria of quality and balance of information, education and entertainment.



In a short period of its existence, India TV has earned a repute of credible reporting, courage, espousal of public interest and its unmatched delivery which is of a great value to all stakeholders. The channel has its bureau and sales representation across the country. India TV has state-of-the-art digital connectivity and a new centre covering an area of 80,000 square feet in Noida. Website: http://www.indiatvnews.com



قناة الجديد صدى للمشاهدين وخير معبر عن حاجاتهم الثقافية ،السياسية ،الوطنية ،الاجتماعية ،الاقتصادية والترفيهية. قناة الجديد علامة مميزة في الساحة الإعلامية العربية.

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