Who claimed my video?

Want to learn more about the copyright owner who claimed material in your video through Content ID? You can find information about them in your YouTube account.

Where to look

  1. Go to your copyright notices.
  2. Click the underlined link to the right of the video's Edit menu. This will take you to a page with information about what’s been claimed in your video and who claimed it.
  3. On the right side of the page, you may be able to play back the part of your video that was claimed.

Who is the copyright owner?

The copyright owner who claimed content in your video may be a television network, a film studio, a website that makes online videos, a recording artist, their record label, or another third party who owns or is authorised to manage the rights to the content.

While you might not recognise the owner, that doesn’t necessarily mean their claim is invalid.

Sometimes, you’ll get claims from several different copyright owners for different pieces of content you used in your video. You could also end up with several claims for the same piece of content, from companies that own rights to the work in different countries.

If your video has been claimed by “one or more music publishing rights collecting societies”, you may want to learn more about collective rights management.

YouTube didn’t claim your video and can’t mediate your copyright dispute with the company that did. If you believe that a Content ID claim on your video was made in error, you can dispute it.

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