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Sailing Federation

Meet The Byte CII Girls

Faces of the Byte CII Girls What They're Saying

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Are You Looking Forward To The Competition?

"To participate here in Nanjing makes me very happy."

Nouha El Alia Akil (ALG)

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What Was The First Race Day Like?

"I'm learning different things every race. Anything can happen with the conditions and what's going on and how people play the strategies right- but the medals are up for grabs and anyone can get them."

Elyse Ainsworth (AUS)

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Are You Enjoying The Youth Olympic Village?

"I wish every place had a village like that. It's so awesome and the food is really cool. It's cool where we go but sometimes it's kind of weird, I had rice for breakfast this morning."

Cecilia Wollmann (BER)

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What Do You Think Of Sailing At YOG?

"It's a good experience for me in my life as a sailor. I've learnt so much here. There are the best sailors of the world here."

Natascha Böddener (BRA)

No ALT tag specified Viktoriya Hinkovska (BUL)
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What Do You Think Of The Youth Olympics?

"It's a really good competition. I'm having loads of fun and it's really cool to meet everybody and have a really good competition."

Florence Allan (CAY)

No ALT tag specified Kelly Gonzalez Dreyer (CHI)
Karla Šavar (CRO)
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What Have You Got On your Accreditation?

"I have pin badges from Antigua, Slovakia, London, Uruguay, Brazil, Estonia, Australia, Myanmar, Chile, Hungary, Argentina, Philippines and Cayman Islands. I am trading with everyone."

Romina De Iulio (ECU)

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What Other Sport Would You Go Watch?

"I would probably go watch gymnastics. I used to do gymnastics and I have friends here competing and I want to go and see them. I have friends in diving as well."

Khouloud Moustafa Mansy (EGY)

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What's The Youth Olympic Experience Like?

"It's extraordinary and very cool."

Louise Cervera (FRA)

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You Look Very Happy, Tell Us Why?

"I did pretty well, better than I expected with two wins so I couldn't be any happier," giggled the Finnish racer. "It was really successful today. My speed was great and I had good tactics so it just went well together."

Alexandra Dahlberg (FIN)

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What's The Youth Olympic Village Like?

"There's so much stuff about different cultures so you can learn about everything around the round. There's so much food. There's a Mcdonald's but I haven't been in yet."

Hanna Brant (GBR)

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You Seem To Be Having Fun With The Chile Girl, Bit Of Banter There?

"We're just having fun. We always say funny things to each other. I always do that to my friends in Indonesia."

Kirana Wardojo (INA)

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What's The Youth Olympics Like Compared To Other Events?

"It's completely different just because there are so many sports, so many people, so many countries here - it's pretty incredible."

Paige Clarke (ISV)

Carolina Albano (ITA)
Mária Érdi (HUN)

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What's The Best Thing About The Youth Olympic Village?

"I think just walking in the village and seeing so many people who are all so successful and you can look up to everybody that's here."

Odile van Aanholt (NED)

No ALT tag specified Nurshazrin BT Mohamad Latif (MAS)
Paula Pelayo Garcia Cuellar (MEX)
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What's The Plan After The Youth Olympics?

"It will be the motivation for my future in sailing. It's a start but there's a long way to the real Olympics."

Caroline Sofia Rosmo (NOR)

Jarian Brandes (PER)
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There Are 28 Other Sports Here, What's It Like Being Around Them?

"I think it's a great opportunity to meet other people because it's a once in a lifetime experience. It's quite new for me because we don't usually have events with other sports so it's nice to meet other people and hear their points of view on sports."

Mafalda Pires de Lima (POR)

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What's Lake Jinniu Like To Sail On?

"It's really switchy but after a few training days you can get used to it and get the switches right."

Megan Robertson (RSA)

Samantha Yom (SIN)
Nichaporn Panmuean (THA)
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Andrew Lewis (TTO) Sailed At London 2012, Do You Look Up To Him?

"Yes, he's someone I look up to and hopefully I will get to go to the adult Olympics with him one day. In Trinidad sometimes he has coaching sessions but a lot of the time he is at events competing."

Abigail Affoo (TTO)

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What Do You Think Of Lake Jinniu?

"I like the lake because in Ukraine I have the same conditions and I think that the races will be great too."

Kateryna Gumenko (UKR)

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What Did You Think When You Qualified For YOG?

"When I qualified I couldn't believe it because Uruguay is a small country, we are only three million people, and to be the only female as well, I was speechless. It's an honour."

Dolores Moreira (URU)

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