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Welcome to Artitus Marine!
Artitus Marine is a division of Artitus Engineering Ltd, an ISO registered company, which celebrated its 20th year of operation in 2009.
Artitus Engineering supplies products to a range of discerning customers in the communications, hifi, transport and food industries all demanding high precision complex engineering.
This expertise has been carried over to Artitus Marine one of whose products is the acclaimed

There are very few yachtsmen and women who like climbing the mast on their boat.  However, from time to time, it is unavoidable.  If a halyard jams at the masthead, the consequences can be critical.  When the masthead navigation light bulbs fail, it is tempting to leave them "until the end of the season".  However, that is dangerous and possibly illegal.

MastClimba can make mast ascents almost enjoyable!  Where better to take your photographs from when you are moored up in a pretty creek or a stunning lagoon?  Where better to look out for reefs and lagoon entrances?


When you sail with a beefy crew, the bosun's chair is the traditional method of ascent, being winched up by the "gorillas" on board.   However, if your's is a husband and wife adventure, the picture is very different.  Even in calm waters or moored alongside, winching a crewman even half way up a mast is exhausting work.


MastaClimba is devised to take advantage of the climber's leg muscles which have spent their entire life preparing just for this occasion.


The climber sits in a bosun's chair attached to a masthead halyard as normal.   The MastaClimba is rigged on its own dedicated line secured at the deck and hoisted to the masthead also.  The climber sits in the chair, locates his feet on the MastaClimba footrests in the stirrups and stands up.  This removes the load on the bosun's chair halyard and the resulting slack is taken up at the winch.  The ascender then sits back down again and repeats the sequence.  A rhythm is easily established and experience has shown that, e.g. for a 40 foot mast, an ascent can be reduced from 20 minutes to around 2.  Not only is the ascent speedy, but neither the climber nor the winch man or woman has expended much effort.


As seen on Dragon's Den!

Excel was just as brilliant as Southampton

selling out yet again!  We also had visits

from previous buyers - saying nice things!


With the help of riggers from the HMS Victory

display and climbers from the adjacent

out door show, we can recommend a safe

single handed approach.


See "How does it work?"



