Indonesia Volunteer Info

Join us on Project Sungai Geringging! – Indonesia Earthquake Response, October 2009-April 2010
If you’re interested in volunteering with us in Indonesia please read “The Basics” below and the PSG Volunteer Info for specific project details and FAQs.

The Basics

  • We are a ‘response’ organization, not an search and rescue organization. This means that we try to come in quickly, but after the search and rescue phase, and fill in gaps left by governmental and non-governmental agencies in clean-up, community recovery and reconstruction projects. Our projects typically focus on the initial 1-6 months following a disaster.
  • We do not charge a participation fee to volunteer. You get yourself to the project, and in return we provide shelter, food, and a rewarding and unique volunteer experience. You are welcome to volunteer with us even if you choose to stay elsewhere. If you’re looking for an easy way to support HODR or engage your friends and family, you can create your own personal HODR sponsorship page on or through Facebook Causes!
  • There is no minimum or maximum stay – join us for one day, one week, one month, or more! Typically, we work six days a week.
  • Our minimum age is 18 years old, unless accompanied by a parent/guardian. Parents, please contact us at for more information before coming.
  • HODR does not have medical capacity and strongly suggests that volunteers acquire travel insurance – it is very affordable and can go a long way in time of need.

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