Thanks for Volunteering on Project Sungai Geringging!!

Monthly Giving

A great big thanks from Project Sungai Geringging!
Your time and dedication volunteering has helped us develop a great project! Now that you’re back home, we hope you’ll stay connected as part of the HODR Family!!

TwitterFacebook PageFrom throwing a party or setting up a FirstGiving or Facebook Causes page, to donating online (monthly or one-time if you’re interested in giving even more!) and spreading the word about HODR, there are lots of ways to continue to support our work from wherever you are!

For more ideas and to get involved, check out our “How to Help” Page or email our Development Coordinator, Andrew, at, or Communications Manager, Beca, at

THANKS!! & We hope to see you again on the next project!!
-Marc, Stef & Henri
Project Sungai Geringging

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