Archive for the ‘Arkansas-08’ Category

USA: Project Gassville Final Report

Monday, March 3rd, 2008


In appreciation of our volunteers, the HODR colors flew over the City of Gassville, Arkansas on Feb. 28, 2008.

From February 12 to March 3, 2008, HODR volunteers assisted the Gassville, Arkansas, community after a tornado cut a diagonal path across the city on February 5, 2008. Gassville, a city of approximately 2,000 people, suffered a direct hit by an EF2 tornado which destroyed 79 homes and severely damaged an additional 100. A total of 267 structures were affected.

After evaluating the damage and meeting with local churches, city officials and volunteers, HODR saw a need for greater coordination of resources and volunteers. The Mayor of Gassville, Danny Smith, welcomed HODR and gave us office space inside the City Hall and Community Center complex. Pastor Blake from the Cotter United Methodist Church put us up for the first few nights and then the Riverside Church of Christ graciously allowed us to set up volunteer housing inside their church.

By the Numbers
HODR coordinated 205 volunteers over the 21-day project. Volunteers helped 73 families through 96 completed work orders, plus an additional 60 referrals, connecting tornado survivors to assistance such as food and shelter. Volunteers contributed approximately 3,315 hours of work and saved the city of Gassville an estimated $62,700 in labor costs. The costs incurred by HODR were less than $8,000. Gassville has received grant assistance from FEMA and the money saved by the city can be used toward the 12% matching funds for which they are responsible. The city will be able to claim $10 for each volunteer hour and up to $6 for each yard of debris hauled; an estimated match savings of $35,850.


Connecting the Dots
The Gassville Coordination Center (GCC), set up and powered by HODR volunteers, helped get the overall Gassville recovery effort organized and on the right track. We held weekly coordination meetings where local, state, and federal government officials could interact with community organizations and local churches. The meetings helped get all those involved communicating and on the same page.

HODR alums Beca, Scott and Brian led the charge for the GCC’s efforts, connecting survivors to a list of resources available in the area. We connected people with donations of food, housing, clothing, toiletries, storage units, furniture and organizations providing financial assistance. The Coordination Center provided a place for those affected to seek assistance and those wanting to volunteer a place to plug in and jump on a crew in the field. The Coordination Center relieved a huge strain on city employees, who on top of their normal jobs were now trying to coordinate volunteers and survivors looking for answers.


Brian, a hiker and mapping aficionado from NH, put his skills to work and mapped out the tornado’s track through Gassville which helped paint the picture of the overall damage. Brian’s color-coded map has been used continuously by the city building inspectors and has also been used in several FEMA briefings on the area! HODR is again ahead of the curve!

Structure Demolition
Randy from the construction company RBC Inc. in Mountain Home, AR donated his time and equipment (dump trucks and excavator) and took down two houses and a church that were structurally unsound and could not be rebuilt. Other volunteers followed close behind armed with rakes, shovels, and wheelbarrows and made it “look like a golf course” according to Randy. With the help of local volunteers and a donation from Keith Hurst and the First Baptist Gravel Ridge Church of Jacksonville, AR volunteers demolished a third condemned house. Often times, insurance settlements are not enough to cover the cost of rebuilding a destroyed home. Many in this area were either uninsured or underinsured. By utilizing donated labor, equipment and funds to demolish these structures, we’ve provided a clean slate and saved their owners a considerable amount of money that can now be used to rebuild.

Debris Pick-up
Most of the 200+ volunteers that worked with Project Gassville made their impact cleaning up debris and clearing trees. Volunteers Brad, Yvon, Deke, Brooke, Joey and Tom helped haul 30+ loads (over 450 yards) of curbside debris to the dump, saving the City valuable time and money. They also led volunteer crews in the clearing of trees and debris off of lots and loaded the trailers directly. We converted several of the city’s flat bed landscape trailers into debris haulers by building up the sides, and used them almost everyday.


Volunteers from the First Baptist Gravel Ridge Church led by Keith Hurst re-roofed one home and repaired two others. The team from Gravel Ridge also patched the back wall of a home that had been blown out during the tornado.

We helped 6 families pack up and move into new homes or place their things into a storage unit while they firm up housing options. This service was particularly useful for elderly residents who were forced to move out of the severely damaged mobile home park. Our trucks, trailers, and volunteers provided the muscle and right price (free) for retirees on a fixed income.

The Riverside Church of Christ was amazing! A network of Riverside church volunteers and the Salvation Army provided lunches on alternating days, feeding our hungry working crews on-site. Also a huge thanks to Riverside and the Assembly of God Church for preparing our dinners! Home cooking every night of the week! Arguably the best food of any HODR deployment.

The City
Mayor Danny Smith supported HODR throughout our project and connected us with great people like Tony Flippin. Tony, a City of Gassville employee, was our main point of contact with the city each day and was an incredible team player. We worked with the city’s plan for recovery and helped speed up the debris clean-up by weeks!

The Baxter County Sheriff’s Department took HODR on a helicopter tour of Gassville. We surveyed the tornado’s path and got a sense of what volunteers had accomplished thus far. Our work sites looked so clean!


Arkansas Congressman Marion Berry and Baxter County Judge Dan Hall stopped by HODR’s Gassville Coordination Center and thanked volunteers for their hard work. The Congressman and Judge chatted with volunteers from MA, TX and NH about the strength of the Gassville community and their experience leading volunteer efforts. As always, the HODR cameras were ready to go.

We hosted volunteer groups from Arkansas State University Nursing Program, Emmanuel Church of Mountain Home, Kimberling City United Methodist Church of MO, BonaResponds, Rocky Ledge Baptist Church of MO, Future Business Leaders of America of Yellville High School, 1st United Methodist Church of Conway, AR, Gassville Riverside Church of Christ, Rogers Church of Christ, Fellowship Bible Church of Mt. Home, AR, the Girdner Community, and Wallis Construction.

The hand-off
We have transitioned the Gassville Coordination Center over to two AmeriCorps members. They will be providing Gassville with long-term recovery support for the next two months. The community will use the weekly coordination meetings that we started as a foundation for a long-term recovery committee to address the unmet needs that will arise over the next year. Click here to read a local newspaper article about the transition. We are no longer active in Gassville but for those still interested in volunteering in the area, the Coordination Center can be reached at 870-706-7490.

HODR would like to thank all of the amazing volunteers that came from near and far and all of our new-found friends in Gassville for their support. It was a privilege for all of us at HODR to work side by side with the City of Gassville and the local churches to help the community recover.

bill sig
Bill Driscoll Jr.
Operations Director
Hands On Disaster Response

USA: Project Gassville Winding Down

Thursday, February 28th, 2008


HODR has teamed up with AmeriCorps volunteers sent to Arkansas to help aid in the recovery and rebuilding of areas affected by the February 5th tornados.

HODR established the Gassville Coordination Center on February 12, 2008 seven days after a tornado destroyed 79 homes in Gassville. Project Gassville, is slated to conclude Monday March 3, 2008.

We are currently in the process of transitioning the Gassville Coordination Center over to St. Louis AmeriCorps volunteer Michael and AmeriCorps Sacramento NCCC volunteer Deana. They will be heading up the coordination of resources and volunteers and helping with long-term recovery for the next 1-2 months in Gassville and the surrounding communities.

USA: Project Gassville Update

Sunday, February 17th, 2008

The local volunteer response has been incredible! We have already made a huge dent in the debris cleanup and I think by the end of next weekend we will have most of it complete. Yesterday the weather was terrible (35-40 degrees with rain) but 60 local volunteers (out of the 100 plus that were scheduled to come in) still showed up and worked until 4pm when it got REALLY bad out.

We held our first Gassville Coordination Center meeting on Thursday and made the front page of the local newspaper the next morning! Click here to see the story.

The coordination meeting served as a catalyst for all of the organizations helping Gassville to meet, network, and figure out how we can all work together and focus efforts. Our main contribution to the community has been and will continue to be our paper pushing and clearing house of information operation for the community. The agency known as NVOAD or National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster has taken notice of our coordination operation and is interested in helping Gassville get ready for the long-term recovery process. We will do our best to continue to connect the dots for the community and get them on the right track over the next two weeks.

There has been no shortage of volunteers in Gassville. Individuals and groups keep streaming in from all around AR and its neighboring states. This weekend we had nursing students from ASU in Mt. Home, Church of Christ in Rogers, AR, Riverside Church of Christ in Gassville, Fellowship Bible Church in Mt. Home, AR, and the Wallis Construction Company. The Wallis construction volunteers also donated their debris trailers and tractors for a day!

Volunteer Yvon (of Biloxi and Pisco) just arrived after a hitchhiking journey that started in Springfield, MO!

USA: Project Gassville!

Tuesday, February 12th, 2008


Hands On Disaster Response is excited to announce Project Gassville – our first micro-deployment ever! For the next 3 weeks HODR volunteers will coordinate the tornado relief efforts and help with clean-up and recovery in Gassville, Arkansas.

Gassville was very hard-hit during the string of tornados that struck 5 southern states the night of February 5, 2008. 70 homes in Gassville suffered major damage and or were destroyed. Tornado damage in this area is severe but with hard-working HODR volunteers helping this open-hearted community we will help get Gassville headed in the right direction.

After spending time with local churches, other volunteer organizations working in the area and city officials it became clear that there was a big need for overall coordination of the recovery effort. For those of you who volunteered with us in Biloxi after Katrina think East Biloxi Coordination and Relief Center… HODR is going to do our best to help get everyone on the same page and focus efforts and resources.

The Mayor of Gassville has given HODR a space inside the Gassville Community Center to operate out of and a local church is providing us with meals and housing.

Projects will include staffing and coordination center support, community needs assessment support, tree and debris cleanup, home demolition and possibly roofing and basic home repair. As always we welcome skilled volunteers and will do our best to put trade skills and talents to work in the community.

Welcome to our operation in the Ozarks! Click here for Volunteer Information

USA: Southern US Tornado Assessment Update 2

Monday, February 11th, 2008


USA: Southern US Tornado Assessment Update 1

Saturday, February 9th, 2008


USA: We’re on our way

Thursday, February 7th, 2008

We dusted the snow off the Mobile Command Unit and are on our way south from MA. It will take us two days to get to the disaster zone(s) and from there we will be assessing the damage caused by tornadoes that hit on the night of the 5th. We’re looking at the potential for a volunteer project. We’ve had some contact with the Clinton, AR area, and with internet access in the Command Unit are continually researching the situation while on the road. Check back soon, we will have more info up in a couple of days.