Archive for June, 2006

INDONESIA 30 Day Report

Friday, June 30th, 2006

Welcome to the first summary report from our Indonesian Earthquake Relief Effort!

The situation here is amazing! We have this little house in the middle of a very hard hit village. We are currently helping the very proactive residents clear the “ruins” from the footprint of their home. The reward has been great – just as we finish the clearing and they have an adequate space they start hauling in bamboo, fresh cut from neighboring stands, and begin to erect their version of transitional shelter! They lash the bamboo together and then put a tarp over the top and have something that will provide shelter while they re-build their house around it. The work at present can be physically demanding, but we are starting to find other projects to become active in (in true HandsOn fashion!). (more…)

INDONESIA Update: June 20, 2006

Tuesday, June 20th, 2006

Calling All Volunteers! HODR wants you! Marc and TC have been working hard and would love to have some fresh company and additional hands. We have 5 or so Hands On Alumni planning to make it out there in the next few weeks, but we’d love to have you join them. Please refer to the FAQ & Volunteer Information section for more details about volunteering in Indonesia.

INDONESIA: June 10, 2006

Saturday, June 10th, 2006

We need your help in Indonesia. We have an up and running volunteer center situated halfway between the cities of Yogyakarta and Bantul in Central Java, Indonesia. Now we need your support in volunteering or donations to help keep the project running. For more information on this project, please visit FAQ & Volunteer Information.

Indonesia Photo Gallery

INDONESIA First Report

Tuesday, June 6th, 2006


This is a very preliminary report. TC and I will continue to seek information and provide facts over the upcoming days.

Our hotel (Ishiro) is in an unaffected area of Yogyakarta (pronounced Jogjakarta – or Joeg ja for short). We found this college town to be virtually fully functioning with only random pockets of damage. All services needed can be found here. Supplies, accommodations, food water, shopping, internet, transportation are all offered. We have been told that it might be difficult to find hotel accommodations, but haven’t found that to be the case. We have been paying 160,000 rupiah (1usd = 8900Rp) for a room with 2 beds, aircon, and private hot water shower, including a simple breakfast. We will be moving tomorrow to a beautiful private home that occasionally lets rooms to college students (none currently rented). We will have a fan room with 2 beds, private bath, laundry service, cleaning every 3 days, breakfast and dinner provided for 95,000 Rp. PER MONTH. (more…)

INDONESIA Update: June 1, 2006.

Thursday, June 1st, 2006

HODR Operations Director Mac Young and Volunteer TC (Always has to be first) Kida are on their way to Indonesia to assess what HODR might be able to do to help with the earthquake relief efforts. We expect to hear a report back from them in the next 72 hours.