Archive for the ‘South Pacific’ Category

INDONESIA: Project Sungai Geringging Update – Week 12

Wednesday, January 13th, 2010

Project Sungai Geringging will be accepting volunteers until April 2, 2010! Please join us in helping West Sumatra recover from the devastating earthquakes of September 2009. We have some great projects currently running and more exciting things in the pipeline. If you are unable to volunteer at the moment we could use your help in other ways; please see our donation page and check out other ways you can help.

Almost three months into the project, and already we’ve welcomed nearly 150 volunteers from 19 countries! Since we opened our doors on the 25th October, we’ve clocked up over 19,000 volunteer hours of service in the community! A huge thank you to all the hard-working, dust-loving volunteers, donors, and supporters who have made this an incredible first three months here in West Sumatra. Here’s a look at what we’ve accomplished so far.

We broke ground for our first transitional shelter in Sungai Geringging this week! (On the first day alone the volunteer team built the entire wooden frame!) We modeled our 24 square meter home on a design originated by the Asian Muslim Action Network (AMAN). The earthquake-resistant structure (timber frame, plastered concrete walls, and galvanized iron roof) will last for years. The timbers are laid out and pre-cut and the roof trusses built at the HODR base; then the homeowner beneficiary works with a team of volunteers to begin the set-up. The homeowner builds the foundation and floor, provides the windows and doors from their salvaged materials, and contributes to the labor for building the home; the whole process takes only about a week! This is one of the most substantial shelter-building projects HODR has been involved in. If you would like to sponsor a home for one of the most needy and earthquake-impacted families, please give today.

DECON 5 (Deconstruction)
One of our staple programs in Project Sungai Geringging is the “safeing” of unstable homes; those deemed too dangerous to inhabit or rebuild. To date we have taken down 58 structures and created clean slabs for homeowners to rebuild on. As part of this program, we’ve also developed a ‘Safe Deconstruction’ community awareness poster and reference information. These materials have been shared with other organizations and are currently being used to support their outreach programs.

Following the decon phase a swarm of volunteers swing into action, disassembling the roof and salvaging windows, doors, wood, bricks and/or stone. The work is hard and long but the value of the re-usable construction materials makes it all worthwhile (especially when the ice cream man stops by!). A special thank you to the hundreds of volunteers who have toiled in the hot sun or rain to see this work through.

SCHOOL DRR (disaster risk reduction)

At a nightly All-Hands meeting, two volunteers commented that when we had a recent 6.0 earthquake they observed schoolchildren appropriately flee their classrooms only to take shelter under a damaged school roof across the yard. They suggested something should be done…. and something has. A team of volunteers created earthquake safety procedures, evacuation plans and drills, and disaster education activities for children. To date we’ve brought the program to 10 schools and will develop a teacher guide so that these skills are passed on after HODR’s program concludes.

HODR, working in close collaboration with IBU Foundation built 30m of concrete footpath at a remote water catchment/pumping facility. The plant supplies water to more than 1,200 local families and was surrounded by a nearly impassable mud trail. IBU rebuilt the building following the earthquakes and invited HODR to help lay out, place the river rock base, and pour the finish surface of the walk. It was an “all hands” morning, where the full team of HODR volunteers set to moving tons of material from the closest road, through the coconut trees, down a hill, across the river, and up terraced rice paddies to the construction site, a distance of 500m (or more depending on how heavy your load)! I suppose it’s easier to push a heavy wheelbarrow when you’re in a beautiful setting.


It was like a day at the beach. Except it was miles inland, the water was actually flowing, and there was no sand – only algae. A team of HODR volunteers armed with scrub brushes, shorts, and micro-weave nets descended into the above-mentioned water plant storage tanks for a good scrubbing. The algae build-up was no match for their energy and was cleaned without a trace after a day’s work. It was also unusual to have a team return from a day’s work in the field cleaner than when they left!

I have always felt that some of the most creative thinkers in the world volunteer their time at HODR projects. I have attended hundreds and hundreds of nightly “all hands meetings” and heard probably thousands of “reports from the field” at those meetings, but a few weeks ago I heard the best report ever, honestly! Three volunteers stood and performed a work recap/rap parody of a Saturday Night Live parody complete with beat box, dancing, and of course rap. The response of the other volunteers was uproarious and the next day they recorded their own video. You can see it and other creative videos uploaded to YouTube. In the weeks to come, we’ll be adding more volunteer-made videos detailing the work and the day-to-day here in Indonesia.

I would like to give a special thank you to Stefanie Chang who will be leaving Project Sungai Geringging to lead our earthquake assessment team headed to Haiti. I have worked with Stef for the past 3+ years and can think of no one who is more qualified in that role, however she will be missed here in West Sumatra. Be careful and all the best to Stef, David Campbell, and Jeremey Horan on the assessment.

-Marc Young
Operations Director, Project Sungai Geringging

Community Stories: Ibu Kasmabati, Indonesia

Friday, December 18th, 2009

kasmabati-feature-2This is Ibu Kasmabati and her Mother (70 yrs), amidst the ruins of their family home in Sungai Geringging, Indonesia. On 30 September 2009, the 1st of two earthquakes struck West Sumatra and destroyed the dwelling that had housed their extended family since 1965.

Kasmabati works security and cleaning at the elementary school while her husband, Wan, sells chickens in the local market and works as a day laborer. Kasmabati and Wan’s joint income falls below the average monthly income for the area of $70 USD. Almost all of Kasmabati’s wages go towards uniforms, books, and school supplies for their 3 children, leaving the family with only Wan’s income to rebuild and meet the rest of the family’s needs.

HODR volunteers worked with Wan to deconstruct the home and salvage valuable materials for rebuilding. The trauma of seeing their collapsed home is now over and the rebuilding process begins.

With your donations and support we can help more families like theirs. With $250 we can supply a team of volunteers with tools to deconstruct earthquake-condemned homes, providing a clean slate to rebuild and as many as two-months-wages’ worth of salvaged bricks. With $700 we can support 20 volunteers for one week – that’s more than 1,000 volunteer hours helping families in need! We’re developing a shelter program, and while we’re still hammering out the details, for about $1,500 USD we hope to be able to build a family a transitional shelter, providing a safe place to live during the long process of rebuilding – currently many families are still living in tents.

A Gift for Sungai GeringgingPlease give us millions of dollars so we can keep helping families in need. Okay, I guess we understand if you can’t give millions. But we do hope you’ll do all you can in this season of giving to help us provide safe space and shelter to Kasmabati & Wan, and other families like theirs. Your gift makes a direct impact.

Wishing you and yours all the best this holiday season!!
Thanks for your support!
-The HODR Team

INDONESIA: Project Sungai Geringging Update – Week 6

Tuesday, December 8th, 2009

volunteers pull down earthquake-damaged house
Wow, what an amazing start to Project Sungai Geringging (still love saying that!). We opened our doors on 25 October 2009 and in the following weeks have had 65 volunteers, representing 13 countries spanning the globe from Indonesia to Canada to Ireland to Russia to Lebanon!

We are assisting survivors of the 7.9 earthquake which rocked Western Sumatra on 30 September, 2009, and was followed by a separate 7.0 earthquake the following day. The earthquake damaged over 200,000 homes and survivors now struggle to remove the ruins and erect shelter as the rainy season quickly approaches.

Decon 5 (deconstruction)
earthquake damaged home in West Sumatra, Indonesia that will be deconstructed by HODR volunteersWe started with it on Day 1 and we’re still busy with it – deconstruction of rural homes. During the earthquake homes shook violently and walls buckled, often leaving the roof intact. Although the affected population of Padang Pariaman is proactively working to reclaim their ruined homes, many are so severely damaged that it is beyond the community’s ability to deal with the unstable structure. So the homes sit as a haunting reminder, precariously waiting to fall. The HODR hard hat team analyzes the structure, creates a safe working environment, re-claims salvageable materials, then in a controlled fashion brings the roof to the ground. Once the overhead hazard has been eliminated, volunteers busily remove the corrugated metal (aka zinc/galvanized iron/GI), disassemble the wooden trusses, and separate usable brick/stone from mortar. To date we have assisted in the safe deconstruction of 21 homes and 1 elementary school.

bricks salvaged by HODR volunteers from an earthquake-damaged home in West Sumatra, Indonesia,The driving force behind what we are doing is not only the elimination of unsafe structures but also the salvage of rebuilding materials. Doors, windows, ventilation block, wood, and zinc are all high value items in this area and everything we salvage translates directly to a cost saving when rebuilding. We have seen families utilizing their salvaged materials almost as quickly as we create it, turning the recycled pieces into temporary shelters and kitchens. The local household income for our area is equal to about US$70.00 per month, and our brick salvage efforts alone equates to about 2 months wages!

As our numbers swell, we’ve been keeping one step ahead with the build-out of our base. Our house starts as a blank slate (a pretty spacious fantastic blank slate), and over the weeks we’ve brought in bunks, built shelves, erected large canvas tents to increase the sleeping space and common areas, and expanded our rainwater catchment system to supply our water. If you arrive at the project today, it should look like the familiar HODR setup that you’ve seen at our other projects around the world. Thanks to all the volunteers who have worked at the base, making it a more comfortable and efficient place from which to run our work in the field.

1st Time & Repeat Volunteers
HODR earthquake relief volunteers in West Sumatra, IndonesiaOne of the highest compliments to our organization is to have a volunteer repeat their service at another project. We are proud of our programs and the work our return volunteers enable us to do (38% of volunteers on this project). Project Sungai Geringging is breaking some new ground on our international front with a high percentage of 1st time volunteers (62% of volunteers on this project). It is an honor to have so many people willing to fly almost around the world to join us on their first HODR experience. Thank you!

School #9
an earthquake-damaged school being deconstructed by HODR volunteers in West Sumatra, IndonesiaAlthough, schools (particularly primary schools) suffered heavy damages in the earthquake, resources for temporary classrooms were quickly mobilized and many now sport rows of temporary timber/plywood classrooms – a more conducive learning environment than hot canvas tents! However these temporary classrooms are often built right next to a precariously damaged masonry school building. Our deconstruction team worked side by side with local volunteers to “safe” an elementary school in a neighboring korong (neighborhood). The work was complicated and the scale was much bigger than the single-family homes we have been working on. Nonetheless, we brought the huge trusses down and salvaged tin that was quickly used to construct new temporary classrooms. Now, a new 3-classroom school building is under construction on the very site we helped demolish and clear.

Teaching English
On many of our international projects we have the opportunity to help students learn and practice English. In this case a local high school teacher invited our volunteers to come to his classes and engage students in conversational English with his students. Now, 2 days a week our volunteers engage high school students in topics ranging from life at home to life on the go.

Project Sungai Geringging has been helped by many people so far, one of them being Pak Andreas, an Indonesian businessman based in Jakarta. He continued his support in the form of a donation of hygiene, household, and food items to be distributed to our neighbors. Our volunteers unpacked, inventoried, sorted, and repackaged the goods in suitable portions and will distribute them with the help of local Posko (community-based information exchange) organizers. In all more than 500 beneficiary families will receive needed items!

Malalak Safari
HODR volunteers install rainwater systems at an IDP camp for earthquake survivors in West Sumatra, IndonesiaHODR is always looking for opportunities to help communities in need and for ways to engage our volunteers in meaningful programs, often in partnership with other organizations. One week ago, we started working with IBU Foundation, an Indonesian NGO at work in Agam (the district just north of us) where they are building an IDP (internally-displaced persons) camp. These families lost their entire community in earthquake-induced landslides, and now they’re working with IBU to build shelters, water systems, and latrines in their new home.

So far our work with IBU Foundation has taken us to Sini Air camp. As a HODR satellite project, our volunteer team lives and works away from our main base. In this case, they’re living in the IDP camp in a remote area (more remote than Sungai Geringging!) with no infrastructure. In the first round of this project, we installed 10 rainwater catchment systems on the transitional shelters; this week we return to help construct 2 communal latrine blocks.

People & Place
Part of a HODR project is experiencing the community we live and work in. Sungai Geringging has been friendly and welcoming to the volunteers who have come here to help. “Hello Mister!” and cheerful motorbike horn beeps ring out wherever we pass. Volunteers have become an established presence at the local warungs (streetside food stands) and in the market. We were even invited to a local wedding party! Volunteers have also explored the area on their own, taking weekend trips to Bukittinggi, hiking up local volcano Gunung Merapi, and renting boats off the beach in Pariaman. Through these activities, we gain a better understanding of the people and the place of Padang Pariaman. (Ok fine, the trips to Bukittinggi might just result in appreciation for the Big Bucket at KFC.)

With two and a half months of Project Sungai Geringging left, there’s plenty of time to come and volunteer! Taking it one house at a time, we’ll continue our deconstruction/salvage work as well as expand the diversity of our programs with the community and NGOs, bringing Sungai Geringging closer to the path to recovery.

Marc Young
International Operations Director
Hands On Disaster Response

MEDIA RELEASE: Music for Relief Partners to “Mobilize” Support

Wednesday, October 28th, 2009

For more information please contact:
Beca Howard, Communications Manager


Linkin Park’s Music For Relief Partners with Volunteer-Driven Hands On Disaster Response to “Mobilize” Support

SUMATRA, INDONESIA 10/28/2009 – Nearly one month after massive earthquakes devastated Sumatra, Indonesia, the needs are still great; whether physically being “mobile” by going to the disaster zone to volunteer, or sending a “mobile donation”, direct public support is still needed. Hands On Disaster Response (HODR), a US-based volunteer-driven nonprofit is on the ground operating a four-month-long response project to coordinate volunteers from throughout the world to help earthquake-affected residents get back on their feet. Music for Relief (MFR), a nonprofit founded by members of the band Linkin Park, is partnering with HODR to mobilize donations through a Text to Give campaign supporting critical recovery efforts via “mobile donation,” donations sent via text message.

HODR and MFR’s partnership will raise funds to directly support HODR’s volunteer project in Indonesia. The recent earthquake damaged over 200,000 homes and survivors now struggle to remove rubble and erect shelter as the rainy season quickly approaches. Through February, HODR volunteers will be assisting residents with debris removal, demolition of damaged homes, erecting shelters and general recovery efforts, providing the “human power” needed to begin to get devastated families back on their feet. Whether physically being “mobile” by going to the disaster zone to volunteer, or simply send a “mobile donation”, direct public support is still needed.

Text To Give: Text RELIEF to 90999 and a $5 donation will be added to your mobile phone bill or deducted from your prepaid balance. All donations will support HODR’s Indonesian Earthquake recovery efforts.
Volunteer: Lend a hand to those in need. HODR creates a platform for anyone interested to directly get involved in the recovery efforts. In return for volunteering their time HODR supports volunteers with housing, meals, tools and on-site training at no cost. Volunteers pay their own way to project site. Visit for more information on volunteering with HODR in Indonesia.
More Information: See on-site photos, video and more online at Hands On Disaster Response’s website,

“HODR was built by and for people whose instinct is to show up and help when they see others in need,” said David Campbell, Founder and Executive Director, HODR. “In a situation where there’s so much work to be done, there’s no greater resource than capable hands to help.”

MFR is supporting HODR’s efforts by promoting this volunteer opportunity to its supporters, making a financial contribution to the efforts, and launching the Text to Give campaign, in order to garner additional support from the public.

When the earthquake struck, the whole world was aware of the devastation. For weeks, months, and beyond the recovery efforts will continue. HODR provides volunteers with housing, meals, tools, and organized work opportunities at no charge – allowing affected communities to benefit from the outpouring of goodwill and able hands as they take the first steps toward recovery.

About Hands On Disaster Response:
Hands On Disaster Response (HODR) is a MA-based 501(c)3 nonprofit built specifically to harness the power of volunteers to provide direct assistance to disaster-affected communities around the world and in the US. HODR welcomes both returning volunteers as well as spontaneous volunteers, people not previously affiliated with any disaster organization, but who are willing to show up and help with whatever needs to be done – from clearing rubble to building homes and schools, from sanitation projects to children’s programs. Previous projects include: New York (2009 Flooding), Arkansas (2009 Tornado), Haiti (2008-2009 Hurricanes), Iowa (2008 Flooding), Missouri (2008 Tornado), Arkansas (2008 Tornado), Bangladesh (2007-2008 Cyclone), Peru (2007-2008 Earthquake), Philippines (2006 Typhoon), Indonesia (2006 Earthquake), Mississippi (2005-2006 Hurricane Katrina), and Thailand (2004 Tsunami). For more information or to donate visit

About Music for Relief:
Founded by members of the band Linkin Park, Music for Relief (MFR) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to providing aid to victims of natural disasters and the prevention of such disasters. MFR has organized a benefit concert featuring multi-platinum artists, sent musicians and volunteers to Southeast Asia and the U.S. Gulf Coast to help rebuild and donate supplies to people in need, and planted over 809,000 trees to help reduce global warming. For more information visit

Text to Give in Support of Indonesian Earthquake Recovery

Monday, October 26th, 2009

text-to-give-mfr-donation_281x211HODR is partnering with Music for Relief (MFR) to help raise funds for Project Sungai Geringging, Indonesia, and we need your help!

MFR has set up a TEXT TO GIVE campaign for HODR that will run from Tuesday October 27, through Tuesday November 5, 2009. Please help support our work in Indonesia via a mobile donation and by sharing the code with your friends.

A simple text from you and your friends can go a long way in getting this hard-hit community back
on its feet!

Text RELIEF to 90999 and a $5 donation will be added to your mobile phone bill or deducted from your prepaid balance. All donations will support HODR’s Indonesian Earthquake recovery efforts.

Founded by members of the band Linkin Park, Music for Relief is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing aid to victims of natural disasters and the prevention of such disasters. HODR and MFR have partnered in the past to support tornado-survivors in Mena, Arkansas in April/May, 2009. For more information visit

AMERICAN SAMOA: Tsunami Assessment Conclusion

Saturday, October 24th, 2009

After a two-week assessment in American Samoa, HODR will not be deploying a project. Residents are proactively clearing debris from the tsunami and the clean up phase will be over shortly. In the interim, residents are utilizing a combination of the shell of their homes, community spaces, temporary structures and tents to live in. The island seems focused on moving straight into the rebuild phase, however that process will not start for months due to the challenges of residents waiting for funding, and building materials and supplies being brought on-island. While there was significant damage in some villages, the community is on the road to recovery and there is not a strong need at this time for volunteer support.

We’re heading out of American Samoa but HODR’s work doesn’t end there. Continue to follow our Operations Teams on Twitter: @HODRops

For more information on our active volunteer response project in Indonesia, click here.

Thanks for your support and for following our efforts and work in the South Pacific.

INDONESIA: Project Sungai Geringging!

Sunday, October 18th, 2009

On Sunday, October 25, 2009, we opened our doors to volunteers to join us as we live and work with the people of Sungai Geringging to recover and rebuild from the recent earthquakes.

We are assisting survivors of the 7.9 earthquake which rocked Western Sumatra on 30 September, 2009, and was followed by a separate 7.0 earthquake the following day. The earthquake damaged over 200,000 homes and survivors now struggle to remove rubble and erect shelter as the rainy season quickly approaches. We anticipate working for four months, with the possibility of month-to-month extensions as needed. (If you watched this video of the assessment, you can catch a glimpse of our new base in Padang Pariaman, Sumatra, Indonesia!)

The HODR assessment team has been on the ground since 11 October, 2009, identifying key areas where volunteers can support the community’s mid-term recovery. For specific details of the project and how to get involved take a look at the Volunteer Info section of this site. Please contact Tom at if you are interested in joining us for Project Sungai Geringging (please put project name as the subject)!

HODR previously worked in Jogjakarta, Indonesia following a 6.3 earthquake in 2006.

Thank you for your support. Donations to our South Pacific Disaster Recovery Fund will go towards Project Sungai Geringging. You can continue to follow our progress via Twitter (@HODRops).

We hope to see you soon!

AMERICAN SAMOA: Tsunami Assessment Update

Sunday, October 18th, 2009

We’ve been on the ground in American Samoa for one week and it’s been a busy one…

We’ve traveled to the affected villages and talked with village chiefs, mayors and residents. The highest concentration of damage from the tsunami is in the Village of Amanave (check out video) with around 75 homes destroyed or majorly damaged.

Given the pace of debris removal and clean up we believe that these phases will be completed in the coming weeks through local efforts. Then demolition of damaged but standing structures will begin after new permanent homes are built. Many are using the shell of their damaged homes in the interim as their primary dwelling until they can build a new home.

We’ve met with CRWRC, Mennonite Disaster Services, World Vision, Catholic Charities USA, American Samoa VOAD, and the American Red Cross to share information and talk about the recovery efforts underway and those in the planning stages. We spent a couple of hours Friday helping Catholic Charities and the American Red Cross distribute food and water in Amanave. Distribution sites strategically placed throughout the island have also aided in the collection of needs and data on the affected population.

There may be a need here for both short term and long term case management and project/workflow management, meaning tracking and managing rebuilds and helping individual households.

We’re also exploring the costs and logistics that would be involved with hiring skilled labor with the thinking that we could potentially hire some locals to act as construction managers for unskilled volunteers to be utilized in rebuild effort. The unknown at this point is exactly when the rebuild phase will begin.

We toured a potential volunteer housing site that the Mennonites and CRWRC may get off the ground, and could be open to others like HODR if we set up a project.

Lots going on, lots to keep figuring out. Keep following us on Twitter (HODRopsUSA) and as we continue in the assessment.

In the meantime you can support our efforts in the Samoan Islands & our recently announced volunteer project in Indonesia in response to the recent earthquakes. If you’re interested in volunteering with us in Indonesia or a potential project in the Samoan Islands, email Tom at and you can support our work with a donation to our South Pacific Disaster Recovery Fund.

VIDEO: Indonesia Assessment – A Day in the Life

Saturday, October 17th, 2009

Follow Marc & Stef along on the assessment in Padang, Indonesia, following a 7.9 earthquake on Sept. 30, 2009.

More on our Indonesia Earthquake Assessment:
More info
See daily updates from our assessment team on the ground on Twitter @HODRops

VIDEO: American Samoa Tsunami, Life After Losing Everything

Thursday, October 15th, 2009

This video was shot on 10/14/09 by the HODR assessment team in American Samoa, as Bill & Jeremey learn about the situation and needs of people affected by the 9/29/09 tsunami. This video shows an example of how some people are living post tsunami, now that they have lost just about everything.

More on our Samoan Islands Tsunami Assessment:
More info
See daily updates from our assessment team on the ground on Twitter @HODRopsUSA