Archive for January, 2010

INDONESIA: New Project Photos!

Thursday, January 28th, 2010

If you haven’t been automatically redirected to our Flickr Photo page, please click here. Thank you for your interest & support!

HAITI: Notes from the Field 1/23/10

Monday, January 25th, 2010

An update from David Campbell, HODR Executive Director:

Saturday AM, Jan. 23, 2010 from UN base, Port au Prince

HODR assessment team consists of me (David Campbell), Stefanie Chang & Jeremey Horan. Thanks to Barry Goldsmith, pilot Rick Link and the Ocean Reef Club for your support and assistance with transport to Santo Domingo. We arrived in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Wednesday January 20 at 2 PM, made it to Jimani, DR at the border by 11 PM, stayed in barracks there.

Found a vehicle, drove to Port au Prince (PAP) Thursday to PAP airport, added Jakob, Gonaives volunteer, to our team, and were picked up by Paul Fermo, with his vehicle. Have slept on the floor at his house in Puits-Bain PAP; neither satellite phone nor satellite internet link working, no cell communications, only email. Roads in horrible condition, and very congested, so a trip to UN base at airport ranges from 30-90 minutes.

Friday attended multiple “cluster meetings”; these are organized by UN OCHA (Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs). Activities are organized into 12 clusters, e.g., health, shelter, logistics, security; a typical meeting is held in a tent at the airport, with about 60 attendees from 40 or so different NGO’s (Non-Governmental Organization, like the World Food Project, Medecins San Frontieres, CARE, HODR, etc…). Information is presented, and requested; there is a tremendous challenge in gathering, integrating, and communication, in addition to the doing and planning.

Yesterday, in addition to the cluster meetings, we met with Habitat for Humanity International, to understand their initial planning thoughts; it is reasonable that we may cooperate on interim housing work if we launch a project. We visited prior contacts at Matthew25, a clinic/guesthouse in PAP, and exchanged information with several connections.

Saturday AM we are attending UN OCHA cluster meetings, listening to press conference, and planning a road trip starting tomorrow to visit affected areas west of PAP, toward Jacmel.

In the Press conference it was mentioned that there have been 12 aftershocks of 4.5 or greater; 2 on Thursday evening; we all slept outside last night due to the warnings. They also reported an estimated death toll of 75,000 – think of the impact of one death in your own life, then realize the impact in a close city of such a traumatic event.

We are focused on specific areas of need we could address with our volunteers, and finding an area where we could be productive and secure.

The damage is massive; entire areas of homes destroyed. There will not be an opportunity for general volunteers, for us or any other organization, for weeks to come. The medical situation seems stabilized.

We will try to keep updates flowing through Twitter @HODRops, and the website.

Thank you to all the donors and interested volunteers for the support you’ve shown; we are proceeding on plan, and doing our best.



The team spent 3 days in Port au Prince, over the weekend visited the areas of Leogane and Petit Goave, and is currently en-route to Jacmel as of 1/25/10.
For daily updates follow us on Twitter @HODRops

Important Message for Volunteers in the Immediate Aftermath of Haiti Earthquake

Wednesday, January 13th, 2010

For more information please contact:
Beca Howard, Communications Manager


CARLISLE, MA, USA 1/13/2010 – On Tuesday, January 12, 2010, a massive 7.0 magnitude earthquake followed by a series of strong aftershocks devastated Haiti. Initial reports indicate overwhelming damage in the capital city of Port-au-Prince, affecting an estimated 3 million people with as many as 100,000 lives lost. Hands On Disaster Response (HODR), a US-based 501(c)3 nonprofit, has launched an emergency appeal and assessment in response to the recent earthquake, and has created the Haiti Earthquake Recovery Fund to accept monetary donations to support these efforts. The seasoned volunteer coordination organization welcomes interest from volunteers, but cautions that search and rescue missions are still underway.

“We had an incredibly successful six-month project in Haiti last year, and are anxious to be of assistance again,” says David Campbell, Founder and Executive Director of HODR who plans to return to Haiti as part of the organization’s assessment team. “That being said, we are not a search and rescue or medical response organization. In the immediate aftermath of such a tragic event, we need to let search and rescue efforts do their work before any potential volunteer initiatives can be explored, and I encourage those interested in volunteering to be patient as emergency services take their course.”

The HODR assessment team is reaching out to local networks and agencies in Haiti and plans to arrive in Haiti next week. The organization will be meeting with local officials, visiting affected areas and evaluating the recovery needs in order to determine further involvement and the potential for volunteer projects.

Often, following large-scale natural disasters there is an overwhelming need for able and willing hands to help families pick up the pieces and move forward. HODR harnesses the power of volunteers to bring direct assistance to survivors of natural disasters in the US and around the world. The organization has responded to 13 natural disasters in seven countries, including a deployment in Haiti from October 2008 to March 2009 in response to Hurricane Ike and a series of other hurricanes. Those interested in volunteering, should HODR launch a project in the coming weeks, are encouraged to stay tuned to the organization’s website at for the latest updates from the assessment team.

HODR programs are tailored to the unique needs of each community and range from debris removal to rebuilding homes and schools. In the organization’s hurricane response project in Haiti, volunteers assisted more than 5,000 families through programs such as “mud removal” (digging homes out from severe mudslides) and well masonry. HODR is actively engaged in a volunteer project in Indonesia in response to the September 2009 earthquakes, focusing on home deconstruction and transitional shelters.

To make a tax-deductible donation to the Haiti Earthquake Recovery Fund in support of HODR’s efforts please visit today.

For more information on HODR and how to help, visit the organization’s website at and follow our team on Twitter @HODRops

For media inquiries, please contact Beca Howard – 781.570.9412,
For donation information, please contact Andrew Kerr – 919.830.3573,

About Hands On Disaster Response:
Hands On Disaster Response (HODR) is a MA-based, 501(c)3 non-profit organization that provides hands-on assistance to survivors of natural disasters around the world, with maximum impact and minimum bureaucracy. By supporting volunteers with housing, meals, tools, and organized work at no charge HODR is able to provide free and effective response services to communities in need. The organization welcomes both returning volunteers as well as spontaneous volunteers, people not previously affiliated with any disaster organization, but who are willing to help with whatever needs to be done – from clearing rubble to building homes and schools, from sanitation projects to children’s programs. Previous projects include: Indonesia (2009 Earthquakes – On-going project), New York (2009 Flooding), Arkansas (2009 Tornado), Haiti (2008-2009 Hurricanes), Iowa (2008 Flooding), Missouri (2008 Tornado), Arkansas (2008 Tornado), Bangladesh (2007-2008 Cyclone), Peru (2007-2008 Earthquake), Philippines (2006 Typhoon), Indonesia (2006 Earthquake), Mississippi (2005-2006 Hurricane Katrina), and Thailand (2004 Tsunami). For more information or to donate visit

HAITI: Earthquake Assessment

Wednesday, January 13th, 2010

On Tuesday, January 12, 2010, a massive 7.0 earthquake and dozen aftershocks struck Haiti, near the capital of Port-au-Prince. Initial reports are of overwhelming damage in the capital city, affecting an estimated 3 million people.

HODR has launched an assessment team to determine how and where we can be most effective in the recovery efforts. Search and rescue will be critical over the next weeks, and then the work of helping the country recover will begin. Our team arrived in Haiti January 21. We have been and will continue to network with contacts from our 2008-2009 Haiti hurricane response (Project Gonaives) as well as other responding agencies, and meeting with local officials, visiting affected areas and evaluating the recovery needs in order to determine further involvement and the potential for volunteer projects.

To support our efforts please make a donation to our Haiti Earthquake Response Fund today. If you are interested in volunteering, please read our Volunteer Info page.

We will update as more information becomes available. You can also follow us on Twitter @HODRops for daily updates and progress.

View our 1/23/10 “Notes from the Field” by clicking here.

For media inquiries, please contact Beca Howard – 781.570.9412,
For donation information, please contact Andrew Kerr – 919.830.3573,

Thank you for your interest in supporting HODR and the people of Haiti in their time of need.

Donate to build homes and hope in West Sumatra!

Wednesday, January 13th, 2010

Thanks for your support getting families back into safe and secure homes!

If you haven’t been automatically redirected to our Indonesia Transitional Shelter Page, please click here.

INDONESIA: Project Sungai Geringging Update – Week 12

Wednesday, January 13th, 2010

Project Sungai Geringging will be accepting volunteers until April 2, 2010! Please join us in helping West Sumatra recover from the devastating earthquakes of September 2009. We have some great projects currently running and more exciting things in the pipeline. If you are unable to volunteer at the moment we could use your help in other ways; please see our donation page and check out other ways you can help.

Almost three months into the project, and already we’ve welcomed nearly 150 volunteers from 19 countries! Since we opened our doors on the 25th October, we’ve clocked up over 19,000 volunteer hours of service in the community! A huge thank you to all the hard-working, dust-loving volunteers, donors, and supporters who have made this an incredible first three months here in West Sumatra. Here’s a look at what we’ve accomplished so far.

We broke ground for our first transitional shelter in Sungai Geringging this week! (On the first day alone the volunteer team built the entire wooden frame!) We modeled our 24 square meter home on a design originated by the Asian Muslim Action Network (AMAN). The earthquake-resistant structure (timber frame, plastered concrete walls, and galvanized iron roof) will last for years. The timbers are laid out and pre-cut and the roof trusses built at the HODR base; then the homeowner beneficiary works with a team of volunteers to begin the set-up. The homeowner builds the foundation and floor, provides the windows and doors from their salvaged materials, and contributes to the labor for building the home; the whole process takes only about a week! This is one of the most substantial shelter-building projects HODR has been involved in. If you would like to sponsor a home for one of the most needy and earthquake-impacted families, please give today.

DECON 5 (Deconstruction)
One of our staple programs in Project Sungai Geringging is the “safeing” of unstable homes; those deemed too dangerous to inhabit or rebuild. To date we have taken down 58 structures and created clean slabs for homeowners to rebuild on. As part of this program, we’ve also developed a ‘Safe Deconstruction’ community awareness poster and reference information. These materials have been shared with other organizations and are currently being used to support their outreach programs.

Following the decon phase a swarm of volunteers swing into action, disassembling the roof and salvaging windows, doors, wood, bricks and/or stone. The work is hard and long but the value of the re-usable construction materials makes it all worthwhile (especially when the ice cream man stops by!). A special thank you to the hundreds of volunteers who have toiled in the hot sun or rain to see this work through.

SCHOOL DRR (disaster risk reduction)

At a nightly All-Hands meeting, two volunteers commented that when we had a recent 6.0 earthquake they observed schoolchildren appropriately flee their classrooms only to take shelter under a damaged school roof across the yard. They suggested something should be done…. and something has. A team of volunteers created earthquake safety procedures, evacuation plans and drills, and disaster education activities for children. To date we’ve brought the program to 10 schools and will develop a teacher guide so that these skills are passed on after HODR’s program concludes.

HODR, working in close collaboration with IBU Foundation built 30m of concrete footpath at a remote water catchment/pumping facility. The plant supplies water to more than 1,200 local families and was surrounded by a nearly impassable mud trail. IBU rebuilt the building following the earthquakes and invited HODR to help lay out, place the river rock base, and pour the finish surface of the walk. It was an “all hands” morning, where the full team of HODR volunteers set to moving tons of material from the closest road, through the coconut trees, down a hill, across the river, and up terraced rice paddies to the construction site, a distance of 500m (or more depending on how heavy your load)! I suppose it’s easier to push a heavy wheelbarrow when you’re in a beautiful setting.


It was like a day at the beach. Except it was miles inland, the water was actually flowing, and there was no sand – only algae. A team of HODR volunteers armed with scrub brushes, shorts, and micro-weave nets descended into the above-mentioned water plant storage tanks for a good scrubbing. The algae build-up was no match for their energy and was cleaned without a trace after a day’s work. It was also unusual to have a team return from a day’s work in the field cleaner than when they left!

I have always felt that some of the most creative thinkers in the world volunteer their time at HODR projects. I have attended hundreds and hundreds of nightly “all hands meetings” and heard probably thousands of “reports from the field” at those meetings, but a few weeks ago I heard the best report ever, honestly! Three volunteers stood and performed a work recap/rap parody of a Saturday Night Live parody complete with beat box, dancing, and of course rap. The response of the other volunteers was uproarious and the next day they recorded their own video. You can see it and other creative videos uploaded to YouTube. In the weeks to come, we’ll be adding more volunteer-made videos detailing the work and the day-to-day here in Indonesia.

I would like to give a special thank you to Stefanie Chang who will be leaving Project Sungai Geringging to lead our earthquake assessment team headed to Haiti. I have worked with Stef for the past 3+ years and can think of no one who is more qualified in that role, however she will be missed here in West Sumatra. Be careful and all the best to Stef, David Campbell, and Jeremey Horan on the assessment.

-Marc Young
Operations Director, Project Sungai Geringging

HAITI EARTHQUAKE: Monitoring the Situation

Tuesday, January 12th, 2010

On Tuesday January 12, 2010, a major earthquake of magnitude 7.0 struck Haiti. We are monitoring the situation and reaching out to networks and friends from our 2008-2009 Haiti hurricane response to help us gain local information and perspective.

We will post more information and any HODR updates over the next several days as more details become available. Stay tuned to for the most current posts, and follow our International Team via Twitter at

Year in Photos, 2009

Wednesday, January 6th, 2010

Look back at all we’ve accomplished together during 2009!

With your support we’ve made a direct and lasting impact on families affected by disaster. From well masonry in Haiti to tree removal in Arkansas, from county-wide recovery coordination in New York to home deconstruction and transitional shelters in Indonesia, we couldn’t have done it without the generosity of the amazing volunteers and donors who support our disaster response efforts.

Learn more about the projects of 2009, and get involved today by volunteering on our current project in Indonesia or by making a tax-deductible donation to support our work in 2010 and beyond.

Cheers to the success of 2009 and another great year ahead with your involvement and support!
Happy New Year!

NH Public Radio: Helping After the Tsunami

Monday, January 4th, 2010

Five years ago the Southeast Asian tsunami struck, triggered by a 9.0 earthquake, one of the largest in history. The level of devastation shocked the world and motivated many, including HODR’s founder and Executive Director David Campbell, to do something to help those in desperate need. David traveled to Thailand, encountered many other individuals who had similarly showed up with a pure desire to help, and Hands On Disaster Response was born.

Click here to listen to an interview with HODR’s Executive Director David Campbell on New Hampshire Public Radio’s ‘Word of Mouth’ program about what he encountered in Thailand back in 2005 and what HODR’s been up to since. December 24, 2009.