HODR’s Domestic Operations Micro-blog

We heard about Twitter micro-blogging on National Public Radio (NPR) and while en route to assess the damage from an EF4 tornado decided to start a micro-blog of our own.

Hands On Disaster Response’s (HODR) domestic operations is the focus of our twitter.com/HODRopsUSA micro-blog.

As a 501(c)3 tax-exempt nonprofit we are part of an industry that mandates a culture of transparency and openness. Our micro blog serves as an extension of HODR’s effort to enhance volunteer and donor confidence.

Our normal HODR.org communications schedule consists of a series of announcements about our assessment of a natural disaster; and then if a project is launched, a director’s report is posted every 30 days or so. Our micro blog is helping fill in the gaps and provide greater detail to our operation and each update is only 140 characters or less!

We have tried other operations blogs in the past but found it tough to keep them current. After long days in a disaster zone the last thing an operations director wants to do is craft a grammatically correct five-paragraph essay. Twitter’s short text message like format is a quick and easy platform to communicate our situation on the ground to the HODR family and the outside world.

Click here to read about the happenings on the ground at Project Newton County and our assessment of the flooding in the Midwest!

Find current answers to questions like:

What are some of the things that we look for when assessing the potential for a volunteer project?
What kind of projects are we working on?
Which volunteers are coming and going?

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