Please Donate

When disaster strikes, who helps pick up the pieces? Whether the need is deconstructing earthquake-condemned homes and schools in Indonesia, rebuilding flooded homes in Iowa, or building well masonry in hurricane-stricken Haiti, Hands On Disaster Response (HODR) coordinates volunteers to lend a helping hand.

Our flexible model responds to the unique needs in each community, and utilizes the power of volunteers to make a direct impact in the community’s recovery.

Our programs are only possible with the support of volunteers, and the generosity of our donors. Using one of our secure options below please make a tax-deductible donation today to support our work, our volunteers, and the communities we serve:


Thank you so much for your support.

How is my donation spent?

Examples of how donations have had a direct impact on communities through our projects:

$100 Support a volunteer for 3 weeks; in 1 week 20 volunteers donate 1,000 hrs. to help families in need

$250 Tools for a team of volunteers to deconstruct an earthquake-condemned home in Indonesia

$1,000 Drywall materials for volunteers to rebuild walls in a flooded home in Iowa

$5,000 Well masonry in hurricane-stricken Haiti provided 25 contamination-resistant wells to hundreds of families

$30,000 Sponsor a project for an entire month, bringing direct assistance to those who need it most

HandsOnWorldwide DBA Hands On Disaster Response is an IRS-registered nonprofit organization dedicated to providing hands-on assistance to survivors of natural disasters with maximum impact and minimum bureaucracy. All donations are tax-deductible and will be used to support our disaster response work; we provide a tax receipt to evidence your gift.

Our donation pages are securely encrypted for credit card transactions, but if you would prefer to donate offline, you can:

Mail a check:

PO Box 546
Carlisle, MA 01741 USA
*Please make checks payable to “HandsOnWorldwide”

Make a wire transfer: Please email Tom at for Bank Information.

If you have any questions, please email Tom at

For your accounting purposes our Tax ID Number is 20-3414952.

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