More ways to help!

Here are some fundraising ideas from volunteers who’ve held fundraisers in the past.
Thanks so much for your help!!

party!Have a party! Throw a theme party (winter holidays, New Year’s, birthday, Halloween), a dinner party or any excuse to bring people together. Have a big party or a small gathering, host at your home or get space donated/
rented – the possibilities are endless! No matter what have a great time with your friends, all while raising awareness & funds for HODR! Parties in the past have raised a few hundred dollars to a few thousand!! It all goes a long way!

Get people to sponsor you and HODR for a race you’re running, special occasions, or just because! Through FirstGiving and Facebook Causes you can set up a personalized page, upload photos, tell everyone your message and set a fundraising goal. It only takes a few minutes to set up and is a personalized way for you to reach out to your friends! Check out Darius’ page for ideas:

Birthdays & other gift-giving times: Ask for a donation to HODR instead of a gift when someone asks you what you want this year. You can also make a donation to HODR as a present to someone else. Donors can tell us who the gift is in honor of when giving online, or just include a note with a physical donation. It’s simple, direct, and this way you know your gift will go to good use instead of sitting in a drawer or dare we suggest – be re-gifted!

Hold an auction! Have friends help you come up with items for a live or silent auction. Items in the past have ranged from ‘handy-man’ service, guitar lessons, tutoring and a night of babysitting (simple things based on time and talent), to usage of a beach house, autographed sports jerseys/balls and a case of donated wine. The last auction raised nearly $9,000!! What items will your friends get excited about?!

Get your school, church, company, or other network involved:
Does your group hold bake sales, take collections or throw events? Suggest that one of your normally scheduled events benefit or share the proceeds with HODR! It raises awareness for your group, for HODR and brings a little new-ness and excitement to something you’ve done before. One very cute example: a 9-yr-old boy made Christmas ornaments, sold them at his school’s holiday fair, and raised $90 all by himself! Just think if it was a whole team or class!

A Few Tips to That Might Come in Handy:
-At your event (& in the invitation) be sure to take a few minutes/sentences to tell everyone why you’re supporting HODR and why you hope they will too!
-Have a computer with internet available so people can donate online and you don’t have to handle donations!
-Ask local stores & restaurants to donate food or auction prizes (gift certificates are especially popular!) – thank them in your hand outs & speech, so they get some publicity and you get free stuff for your guests!
-HODR can supply “take-aways”, videos, photos, Annual Reports and help you brainstorm ideas for your event if you want some help.
-If you’re throwing an event that you want shared with other HODR folks in your area, we’d be happy to help spread the word.

Please email HODR’s Development Coordinator, Andrew, at, or our Communications Manager, Beca, at, for more ideas!


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