Archive for August, 2008

USA: Project Cedar Rapids in the Press

Sunday, August 3rd, 2008

Click here for the Cedar Rapids Gazette’s comprehensive coverage of HODR’s ongoing flood relief project in Iowa.

ABC News: ‘Person of the Week’ Volunteer Daniel Greene

Saturday, August 2nd, 2008


Daniel Greene, Project Cedar Rapids volunteer, was featured as ‘Person of the Week’ on ABC’s World News for his work with HODR.

“Daniel Greene, a 16-year-old from Atlanta, wanted to work outdoors for the summer. He thought about construction work, but wound up doing de-construction work instead…’You can’t come to a place like this and leave,’ Greene said. ‘You want to stay out here as long as you can to give as much help as possible.’”

Click here for the full article and video segment that was broadcast nationally Friday, August 1, 2008.