Archive for January, 2008

BANGLADESH: Project Rayenda Director’s Update

Sunday, January 20th, 2008

HODR Half house

Project Rayenda has been open for two weeks, and we’re up to 12 volunteers from 3 countries! Here’s a look at the projects we’re working on so far:

PERU: Project Pisco Final Report

Thursday, January 10th, 2008


“Uds. son angeles caidos del cielo”
“You all are angels fallen from the sky”
-Javier, Caritas Peru

From September 8, 2007 – January 12, 2008 Hands On worked alongside the people of Pisco and surrounding communities to recover from the massive 8.0 earthquake that hit on August 15, 2007. 535 volunteers came from 30 countries; 120 of whom donated 25 days or more to Project Pisco. Our largest international relief project to date, volunteers gave their time, energy, skills and hearts to an extensive array of projects carried out in the community.

Project Summaries

When we first arrived in Pisco all of the streets were filled with rubble to such an extent that nearly every road was blocked by debris and you had to climb over mounds of rubble to get anywhere. From day 1 to day 126, volunteers completed 298 rubble jobs; the progress of the clean up is astounding! These now-cleared lots provided 327 families space to erect temporary shelter or begin to rebuild.

Con Con and Ramadilla Water System
In the farming communities of Con Con and Ramadilla volunteers reconstructed 500 meters of irrigation canal and recreated a water purification system which changes river water to clean drinking water. These projects provide water to crops and safe drinking water to 500 families.

Creating a home
Working with other organizations such as Caritas, the Salvation Army, Un Techo Para Mi Pais, and the local church Camino de Vida, Hands On volunteers constructed a total of 300 temporary modular homes, providing a durable, secure shelter for 300 families who lost their homes in the earthquake.