Archive for December, 2007

BANGLADESH: Travel Information Update

Saturday, December 29th, 2007

The information you have been waiting for is here! We have updated our volunteer info in an effort to help you make your way to Rayenda, Bangladesh.

You will have 2 options (via boat or bus) to complete the last leg of your travel from Dhaka. There are advantages and disadvantages to each method, but as of this writing we are recommending that you consider arriving in Rayenda by boat (launch or the Rocket steamer). Please read the downloadable guide we have compiled and make your own decision.

The information flow is an ongoing effort. Toshiro Kida (TC) is here and he has provided a great deal of information on Dhaka lodging and bus travel. We would like your input as you make your way here to help the people affected by cyclone Sidr.

See you soon!

BANGLADESH: Project Rayenda!

Sunday, December 23rd, 2007

Hands On Disaster Response is excited to announce the naming of its Bangladesh effort, “Project Rayenda” and has located a space for its volunteer center!

PERU: Project Pisco Video Update

Thursday, December 20th, 2007

BANGLADESH: Project Announcement

Thursday, December 13th, 2007

Bangladesh is a go! Beginning 5 January, 2008, we will be accepting volunteers for our cyclone relief project. Please take a first look at the assessment through the video above. Preliminary volunteer information is available here, and photos are available here.

PERU: 90 Day Report

Wednesday, December 12th, 2007


We continue to work on an ever-expanding portfolio of projects – schools, rubble, homes, and more! To date 415 volunteers from 29 countries have donated their time, enthusiasm and hard work to helping the people of Peru. Here’s a look at what we’ve been up to:

PERU: 60 Day Report

Tuesday, December 4th, 2007

san andres cistern
After 60 days in Pisco Playa, Hands On Disaster Response (HODR) continues to thrive! Our projects have grown and changed and volunteers continue to pour in, working urgently to assist this community with its continued recovery. Here’s a look at what we’ve accomplished in the past thirty days.