Posts Tagged ‘petit goave’

HAITI: Notes from the Field 2/23/10

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2010

An update from David Campbell, HODR Executive Director:

Haiti PhotosFriends,

I have just finished my second trip to Haiti since the Jan. 12th earthquake, and am moved by both the breadth of the devastation and the enormity of the response effort. The challenge of providing an appropriate human response, in a poor island nation with weak infrastructure, after an event that hit the major urban area and seat of government, has been overwhelming.

Supplies of water, food, and fuel seem stable, and the port is now receiving container shipments. The airport has reopened to the first commercial flights since Jan 12th. Schools, hospitals, homes in the hundreds of thousands, have been destroyed. The official death toll is now reported at 230,000.

But the people are moving forward. In spite of the media reports I see busy streets, people working together to cope, initial steps to rebuild lives.

We’ve opened our HODR Project Leogane, in a large abandoned concrete building that sustained minimal damage; we’ve added water, kitchen, bunk beds, hired cooks and drivers, and opened for volunteers a week ago.

We’ve already cleared rubble from several homes to allow the families to start on the path back, and have a clear, safe place for tents and transitional shelter. In the future we’re planning to clear many more homesites, help build transitional shelters (normally about a 12 x 18 sq ft space), temporary classrooms, and help in every way we can. We expect 60 volunteers on site this weekend, and will ramp up to our full capacity of 100 volunteers each day in March.

Our expectation of an initial 6 month project cost is $500,000, our largest effort since Hurricane Katrina. Your support is essential by volunteering and monetary donations. The IRS has allowed any donations made by Feb 28th to qualify as 2009 deductions, so please use that extra incentive to send a donation to help now. Click here for details from the IRS.

To make a contribution today or volunteer with us in Haiti, use the buttons to the right.


David Campbell

HAITI: Project Leogane Announcement

Wednesday, February 3rd, 2010

Announcing Project Leogane, Haiti 2010, earthquake response project. This extraordinary disaster has had a devastating impact on the entire fabric of Haiti, and we are anxious to help.

The country has suffered over 110,000 lives lost; in Leogane, where we will focus our efforts, an estimated 90% of the buildings were destroyed. This will be a serious project, cooperating with other local and international NGOs, to help the community of Leogane recover from this massive event.

We are committed to a minimum period of 6 months, beginning February 15, 2010, when the project opened to volunteers. As always, we tailor our projects and work on the ground to the unique needs of each community and disaster. Since this event and challenge is so large, serious, and we’ve received unprecedented volunteer interest, we have established specific rules and structure for this HODR deployment:

  • We will have a capacity for 100 volunteers at a time and therefore may not be able to accommodate everyone who is interested in volunteering.
  • We will build up to this capacity over the month of February, and we will consider satellite projects later in the deployment, but not initially.
  • We will not be able to accept drop-in volunteers.
  • We will give some priority to:
    • HODR alumni, particularly our Project Gonaives alumni

    • Specific skills we enumerate; at the time licensed structural engineers
  • The volunteer base will have no alcohol, strict curfew and lights out policies, with zero tolerance.

Our efforts will be under open scrutiny from the community, media, donors, and humanitarian world. It is an opportunity to demonstrate the special and direct impact that your volunteer efforts can make on a community in dire need.

Whether you are able to join us on-project or support our efforts with a donation, thank you for your continued engagement and commitment to the unique and effective HODR model and to supporting the people of Haiti following this overwhelming disaster.

David Campbell
Executive Director

Get Involved:

For more information about volunteering on Project Leogane, visit our Haiti Volunteer Page.
To support our efforts with a tax-deductible donation, click here.
Follow our teams on Twitter for daily notes & progress @HODRops

INDONESIA: New Project Photos!

Thursday, January 28th, 2010

If you haven’t been automatically redirected to our Flickr Photo page, please click here. Thank you for your interest & support!

HAITI: Notes from the Field 1/23/10

Monday, January 25th, 2010

An update from David Campbell, HODR Executive Director:

Saturday AM, Jan. 23, 2010 from UN base, Port au Prince

HODR assessment team consists of me (David Campbell), Stefanie Chang & Jeremey Horan. Thanks to Barry Goldsmith, pilot Rick Link and the Ocean Reef Club for your support and assistance with transport to Santo Domingo. We arrived in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Wednesday January 20 at 2 PM, made it to Jimani, DR at the border by 11 PM, stayed in barracks there.

Found a vehicle, drove to Port au Prince (PAP) Thursday to PAP airport, added Jakob, Gonaives volunteer, to our team, and were picked up by Paul Fermo, with his vehicle. Have slept on the floor at his house in Puits-Bain PAP; neither satellite phone nor satellite internet link working, no cell communications, only email. Roads in horrible condition, and very congested, so a trip to UN base at airport ranges from 30-90 minutes.

Friday attended multiple “cluster meetings”; these are organized by UN OCHA (Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs). Activities are organized into 12 clusters, e.g., health, shelter, logistics, security; a typical meeting is held in a tent at the airport, with about 60 attendees from 40 or so different NGO’s (Non-Governmental Organization, like the World Food Project, Medecins San Frontieres, CARE, HODR, etc…). Information is presented, and requested; there is a tremendous challenge in gathering, integrating, and communication, in addition to the doing and planning.

Yesterday, in addition to the cluster meetings, we met with Habitat for Humanity International, to understand their initial planning thoughts; it is reasonable that we may cooperate on interim housing work if we launch a project. We visited prior contacts at Matthew25, a clinic/guesthouse in PAP, and exchanged information with several connections.

Saturday AM we are attending UN OCHA cluster meetings, listening to press conference, and planning a road trip starting tomorrow to visit affected areas west of PAP, toward Jacmel.

In the Press conference it was mentioned that there have been 12 aftershocks of 4.5 or greater; 2 on Thursday evening; we all slept outside last night due to the warnings. They also reported an estimated death toll of 75,000 – think of the impact of one death in your own life, then realize the impact in a close city of such a traumatic event.

We are focused on specific areas of need we could address with our volunteers, and finding an area where we could be productive and secure.

The damage is massive; entire areas of homes destroyed. There will not be an opportunity for general volunteers, for us or any other organization, for weeks to come. The medical situation seems stabilized.

We will try to keep updates flowing through Twitter @HODRops, and the website.

Thank you to all the donors and interested volunteers for the support you’ve shown; we are proceeding on plan, and doing our best.



The team spent 3 days in Port au Prince, over the weekend visited the areas of Leogane and Petit Goave, and is currently en-route to Jacmel as of 1/25/10.
For daily updates follow us on Twitter @HODRops