Archive for June, 2007

Bill Driscoll Jr. Joins HODR as Operations Director

Friday, June 15th, 2007

CARLISLE, Mass., June 12 — Hands On Disaster Response (HODR) is proud to welcome aboard Bill Driscoll Jr. to its Operations Staff, to focus on domestic responses. As founder of Persevere Disaster Relief, Inc., Driscoll brings with him two years of experience in disaster relief management.

Bill Driscoll Jr.Driscoll first partnered with HODR during the organization’s Hurricane Katrina response in Biloxi, Mississippi. As a full-time volunteer, Driscoll was a critical member of the operation, leading groups of volunteers and providing media support. In January 2006, First Lady Laura Bush presented Driscoll with the Presidential Call to Service Award for his work with HODR.
