Project Detroit

Project Detroit

Hawaii Hurricane Response

Hawaii Hurricane Response



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Project Leyte Announce

Project Leyte Announce


Helping Communities. Empowering Volunteers.

Being driven to help those who need it most is human nature. Providing the infrastructure and logistics that make true volunteering possible is ours. Learn more.

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Announcing Project Detroit

On Monday August 11th, the city of Detroit, MI received its highest recorded rainfall in 89 years, flooding major streets, freeways, homes and businesses and leaving people at a loss as to where to begin the clean up and recovery process. The All Han... Read more.

Announcing Project Hawaii

About Project Hawaii The Hawaiian Islands have not been hit by a major storm since Hurricane Iniki struck the island of Kaua’i in 1992. That changed in the early hours of Friday, August 8, when Tropical Storm Iselle made landfall in the Puna dis... Read more.
Rose, Luciano and their four children

The Philippines: 60 Transitional Shelters In Santo Nino

Over the course of two months, All Hands, in partnership with Operation Blessing, built sixty transitional shelters in the Santo Nino barangay, a community thirty minutes north of Tacloban city in the Philippines. Approximately four hundred people whos... Read more.
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Through The Eyes Of Ryan Coquilla: The Bohol Earthquake

Although we wrapped up Project Bohol at the end of June, the communities we served and the work we do will always stay with us. One of the first people we met in Bohol was Ryan Coquilla, a Filipino American who was living with his extended family in... Read more.
Bohol Group

Project Bohol: It's A Wrap!

Project Bohol Wrap from All Hands Volunteers on Vimeo. "That is what All Hands Volunteers specializes in. We brought in volunteers who successfully “safed” homes, churches and schools. We also partnered with IOM to distribute Shelter Repair Kits... Read more.
PCO team Photo

Project Colorado - Recovery & Rebuild: An Update from PD Mike

Greetings from Project Colorado - Recovery & Rebuild! We have been making great headway in Colorado. We've partnered with Habitat for Humanity to help them expand their traditional two-day/weekend work schedule to a full five day work schedule. ... Read more.
Tabango Schools

Building Schools In Tabango, Leyte

In early November 2013, the Visayan regions in the Philippines were hit by one of the strongest Typhoons ever recorded, Typhoon Haiyan (known locally as Yolanda). After several months of All Hands recovery and rebuild projects in Ormoc, Kananga and... Read more.
AJ and team

Project Pilger: A Final Nod To AJ Kluthe

AJ talking with the team about work for the day. We couldn't leave Pilger, NE without acknowledging the heroic efforts of AJ Kluthe. AJ is a man who wears many hats for the Village: Rescue Captain of the Pilger paramedics, firefighter, planning commis... Read more.
CS and AHV

AHV & Credit Suisse: Getting Computers To Those Who Need Them Most

Project Itawamba, MS, USA – In June All Hands Volunteers, in partner with Credit Suisse, met with the Red Cross of Tupelo, Mississippi to distribute computers donated by Credit Suisse to those affected by the devastating EF4 tornado that struck the t... Read more.
PI PM Group

Project Itawamba: The Recap

Project Itawamba — The Statistics: Families Assisted: 51 Properties Completed: 84 Volunteers: 328 Volunteer Days: 868 Hours of Donated Labor: 5,588 The All Hands assessment team arrived in Tupelo, Mississippi on April 30, 2014, two days after... Read more.
PPOW photo

Project Pilger: One Week In

When you hear of twin tornadoes, you never know what kind of havoc it can bring. “We’ve never seen this kind of thing before!” exclaimed newscasters and weathermen. What was once a tiny village not on most maps now made international headlines. T... Read more.

Announcing Project Pilger

On Monday, June 16th, a rare set of sister tornadoes struck the village of Pilger, Nebraska destroying 80% of the town and injuring dozens. The All Hands assessment team was on the ground within 24 hours assessing the situation and seeing how we c... Read more.

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