Archive for the ‘Gowanda’ Category

NEW YORK: Project Gowanda Final Report

Thursday, September 24th, 2009

gowanda-final-reportAUGUST 19 – SEPTEMBER 7, 2009

On Sunday August 9, 2009, flash flooding damaged over 400 homes in Gowanda, NY, and severely affected the surrounding counties. The volunteer presence was strong, however there was a strong need for coordination of volunteers and groups. In order to relieve this burden on local officials and support the on-going recovery efforts in place, HODR lent our expertise in volunteer coordination and project management to the flood recovery efforts.

The Impact of Coordination
Upon receiving the designation from Cattaraugus County Emergency Management and the Village of Gowanda to be the official coordinating agency for volunteers and voluntary agencies we quickly established an operations center at the New Gowanda Fire Hall known as the Tri-County Recovery Coordination Center (TCRCC). The TCRCC served as a flood recovery hub for residents, volunteers and assisting organizations.

The TCRCC hosted interagency coordination meetings that brought organizations together to more efficiently meet the community’s needs, referred flood-affected residents to recovery resources and launched a referral helpline, and plugged volunteers
gowanda-final-numbersinto the efforts by supplying them with organized clean-up work. We also set up a volunteer and workflow database, tool bank and trained local groups in coordination.

FEMA Declaration
On September 2, 2009, after receiving calls from county and state emergency management personnel that additional damage and needs figures were imperative to support Cattaraugus County’s application for FEMA individual assistance (IA), the HODR coordination team stayed on the job well into the night compiling needs assessment information from our database system. HODR’s database and grasp of the community’s needs provided a view from the ground level that helped secure the IA declaration. Individual Assistance declarations open up potential SBA loans and FEMA grant money to qualified residents that were affected by disaster.

Transition & Teamwork
HODR worked with representatives from the United Methodist Committee of Relief (UMCOR) and Church World Services (CWS) to
help facilitate their efforts to form a Long Term Recovery Committee (LTRC) for the area, a community-based group that will address unmet needs during the long-term recovery phase post disaster.

HODR transitioned full-time operations of the TCRCC over a span of several days to the local Gowanda chapter of Love INC, a spin-off organization from World Vision, and the LTRC.
Click here for an article about the area’s long term efforts and how HODR’s work will have a lasting impact on the area’s recovery.

-The HODR Team

NEW YORK: US Senator Schumer Visits HODR

Monday, August 24th, 2009

senator-schumer-press-conferenceMonday, August 24, 2009

This afternoon US Senator Charles Schumer of New York visited the HODR-run Tri-County Recovery Coordination Center in Gowanda, NY. Amidst Senator Schumer’s tour of the flood damage and affected areas in Gowanda and Silver Creek, a press conference was held at the Tri-County RCC.

Following the press conference the Senator visited with HODR staff and coordination crew, thanking HODR for our efforts.

Thank you for your visit Senator Schumer!

Click here for more photos of the Senator’s visit and our work in Gowanda.

US Senator Charles Schumer thanks HODR’s Bill Driscoll Jr. and Jeremey Horan (black shirts) for HODR’s efforts at the Tri-County Coordination Center in Gowanda, NY.

NEW YORK: Gowanda Flood Coordination Response

Thursday, August 20th, 2009

HODR is in Gowanda, NY, geared up to help the area recover from the recent flooding…HODR Alumni & Family, be sure to keep reading!…We’re in a slightly different role than you might be used to.

On Sunday August 9, 2009 flash flooding caused the Cattaraugus Creek to flood, damaging about 400 homes in Gowanda, NY, and affecting the counties of Cattaraugus, Erie and Chautauqua in upstate New York (between Buffalo & Erie). The volunteer presence is strong, including teams from long-time partner and local group BonaResponds, however coordination is a big need. HODR has launched and will be running the Tri-County Recovery Coordination Center (RCC) in the Village of Gowanda which will serve as a flood recovery hub for residents, volunteers and assisting organizations.

On past disaster responses across the country we’ve seen that creating a centralized coordination center can bring organizations together to more efficiently meet the community’s needs. Similar to our response in Arkansas in February, 2008, and our role assisting in the implementation of city-wide coordination centers since, we’ll be providing referrals to flood-affected residents, plugging volunteers into the efforts by collaborating with other volunteer organizations, and hosting coordination meetings for agencies and organizations participating in the recovery efforts in order to encourage communication and collaboration between groups, avoid duplication of efforts, and ultimately maximize impact on the community in its time of need. We’ll be running the Coordination Center for approximately 2 weeks and will transfer the operation of the RCC to local groups upon our departure.

Click here for photos.
You can help HODR help Gowanda by making a tax-deductible donation to our Gowanda Flood Fund.

Thank you for following our work, staying connected and supporting HODR!
-The HODR Team

Bill Driscoll Jr., US Operations Director for HODR, leads the first coordination meeting at the Tri-County Recovery Coordination Center on August 21, 2009.