Archive for June, 2008

CHINA: Assessment Update #4

Sunday, June 29th, 2008

Bazhong kids
After 4 weeks in China, we are simultaneously:
1. Strengthening our relationship with our targeted project sites
2. Working towards securing permission to launch

The centralized bureaucracy and lack of a Chinese precedent for organizing NGOs, especially in a disaster context, adds to the challenge of this assessment.

Along with making connections with Chinese NGOs, we’ve also branched out our site assessments. John made the 10 hour trip to Bazhong, a cluster of rural villages built with mud brick construction on the very edge of Sichuan province. We’ve also followed reports on the situation in Gansu province from, where they are now on the ground.

Operations director Marc Young will join me in Beijing this week for a round of higher level meetings, while John continues to pursue our connections in Chengdu. We’re planning a two-week push to try to move forward in both of our goals; thanks to our patient volunteers and supporters for your continued enthusiasm!

USA: Project Cedar Rapids in the news

Tuesday, June 24th, 2008

HODR made the local TV news click here to read/watch.

USA: Announcing Project Cedar Rapids

Monday, June 23rd, 2008

The Midwestern United States have been inundated by flooding over the past few weeks and there is a great need for volunteer support. We have identified Palo and Cedar Rapids, Iowa as two places where we can make an impact.

Project Cedar Rapids will begin on June 23rd and run for 30 days.

These communities are extremely proactive in their recovery and the progress made thus far is staggering – most streets are already lined with debris! Based on talks with local officials in Palo and churches in Cedar Rapids we think needs will continue to emerge and persist in the coming weeks, and that our assistance will be very valuable..

We are hoping that as Palo gets back on track, we will be aiding surrounding communities. Our friends from Samaritan’s Purse are running projects in both Cedar Rapids and Cedar Falls, IA.

We will be helping those affected with cleaning, gutting, and mucking out homes. As the cleanup work transitions we may help with drywall installation, mudding, and painting needs. As always we will stay open and willing to adapt to the changing needs.

This project will be chaotic and dirty, the way we like it! Come join us in Iowa! Click Here for volunteer information. To donate click here or donate through PayPal at the left of this page.

USA: Midwestern Flooding Assessment Update 1

Saturday, June 21st, 2008

We are currently on the ground in Cedar Rapids, Iowa assessing the flood damage and overall response thus far. The cleanup effort is well underway here and the debris from homes is mounting along the curb throughout the city.

Our assessment team has met with local churches and other disaster relief organizations operating in the area. We will be meeting with several other organizations and continuing to learn what we can about the situation in Cedar Rapids today.

Before arriving in Iowa we spent 15 hours in Clarksville, Missouri with our friends from the AmeriCorps St. Louis Emergency Response Team. The AC-STL ERT is helping coordinate the emergency sandbag efforts in Clarksville. The operation there was chaotic but effective. HODR volunteers Aaron and Tiffany even jumped in and filled sandbags with local volunteers and National Guard personnel. The Mississippi River beside Clarksville is expected to crest Sunday or Monday.

The Governor of Missouri Matt Blunt visited Clarksville while we were present and thanked us for being there.

Click here to view pictures from Clarksville and Cedar Rapids

Our assessment is still on-going and it is too early to determine whether or not we will have a volunteer project in Cedar Rapids. Please stay tuned to and our operations micro-blog for updates.


HODR Appeal for Donations

Tuesday, June 17th, 2008

Responding to more disasters means helping more people; it also means more donations are needed. HODR relies on the support of donors to carry out its effective disaster relief work. All donations are tax-deductible and, as volunteers know first-hand, go directly to these efforts.

HODR needs funds to support its Midwest Flooding and China Earthquake relief efforts. Please note in the “In memory of” box on the “Please Give” page if there is a specific project you would like your donation to be directed toward.
If an assessment does not lead to a deployment, excess funds received for that disaster will be donated to an NGO that we are confident will support those in need.

Please give generously to support HODR and those affected by these devastating disasters. If you are interested in organizing a fundraiser, please contact Beca Howard at

USA: Announcing Midwest Flooding Assessment

Tuesday, June 17th, 2008

HODR is heading north from Project Newton County to assess the areas affected by the flooding in the Midwest. An estimated 1,300 city blocks in Cedar Rapids have been inundated by overflowing rivers and more than 200 homes are under water in Des Moines. Clarksville, MO has reached out to HODR for assistance. “This is our version of Katrina,” Johnson County Emergency Management spokesman Mike Sullivan said of Iowa City. “This is the worst flooding we’ve ever seen.”

We have spoken with other response organizations including Samaritan’s Purse and AmeriCorps St. Louis about the situation on the ground. The assessment will determine if our volunteer resources and hands on model can assist in the aftermath of the flooding, and we will update the website as more information becomes available.

For insight into our assessment and US operations follow our micro-blog at

CHINA: Assessment Update #3

Friday, June 13th, 2008

Due to the restrictive operating environment for foreign NGOs in China, we’ve shifted our strategy to finding a partner Chinese organization, with whom we can launch a response project open to both foreign and Chinese volunteers.

The past few days have been filled with meetings with various local and national Chinese NGOs and foundations. We present the work that HODR has done in other countries and how we can be effective in similar ways in Sichuan. The HODR model is very different from current NGO activities in China and so skepticism yields to curiosity, which turns into genuine interest in the opportunities we can create.

We plan to spend the next week establishing these partnerships. The operating environment in China is completely different from any country that we’ve worked in before, so these next steps are critical in determining whether a volunteer deployment is possible or not.

John Hancock
Project Coordinator

CHINA: Assessment Update #2

Tuesday, June 10th, 2008


New assessment photos are now here!

On Sunday we joined for their test build in Baiguocun, a village that has only a quarter of the tents it needs for its population of 2500 people. The fun, chaotic build was an amazing taste of what it’d be like to work in China. Men, women, and children pitched in, villagers showed up with all varieties of obscure and ancient tools which worked far better than our shiny new shovels and pickaxes, and we had as much of a workout from laughing as from erecting the durable, community-approved shelter!

We’ve narrowed down the list of villages that we’re interested in working in and are now trying to secure official permission to launch our volunteer base. While the lack of NGO infrastructure in China makes it challenging to receive such approval, we strongly believe that there are tangible, immediate ways that HODR volunteers can make an impact in the small villages affected by the quake.

John and I will split the rest of this week between scouting villages and obtaining permission to work in the area. We’re still optimistic that we can make a definitive project announcement by the end of this week. Thanks so much for your support; we’ll post again soon!

Stefanie Chang
Assessment Team Lead

CHINA: Assessment Update #1

Saturday, June 7th, 2008

It’s been a busy week here in Chengdu! Click here for a first look at the assessment, currently in progress.

Immediately upon arriving on Sunday, I met with reps from IFRC and Sichuan Quake Relief, a well-coordinated local expat relief effort. I’ve also made connections with a range of NGOs and local Chinese groups, all of whom have launched initial assessments in the affected areas.

Since Wednesday, I’ve been in the field visiting the areas around An Xian, Mianyang, and Mianzhu. In smaller villages with older construction, the devastation is complete – 90% to 95% of homes are collapsed or unlivable. John arrived on Thursday night and we’ve continued to assess and identify potential locations where HODR may be able to work. We’re amazed and touched by the gratitude and hospitality of the people we meet, who face such difficult circumstances yet always smile and shake our hands. Jodie, one of our invaluable local guides, said “In China, it is everyone’s dream just to have their own house. For so many people, now this is gone.”

The government is working hard to meet the shelter needs of people from the worst affected areas. A massive temporary housing operation is underway, with modular houses springing up in vast blocks in government-prepared lots. Local leaders have a strong understanding of the needs in their communities.

I feel confident that we’ll be able to reach a decision whether HODR can announce a volunteer project by the end of next week. Thank you for your interest and support; please continue to check back for updates!

Stefanie Chang
Assessment Team Lead

USA: Project Newton County, Week Two

Monday, June 2nd, 2008

Our tornado relief project in Newton County, Missouri is two weeks old and number three is off to a strong start! We will be helping the survivors of this area until June 30, 2008. Click here for volunteer info.

THERE IS STILL MUCH TO BE DONE in the wake of the May 10th EF4 tornado. Our small team is constantly addressing unmet needs in the area. Click here to watch a video with images from the project.

During week two we welcomed HODR rookie Luke Davis from Bucksnort, MS and AmeriCorps St. Louis Member Alisha to our PNC crew. HODR alums Brian Quinn and Brendan McNulty also arrived. Our team is now 8 strong but we will be losing 4 on June 9th so get on down here!

Roof Repair
We completed the structural roof repairs to a house in Newtonia and will have a group shingle the roof shortly. Brian Quinn fixed some wiring problems in the house as well.

Friend to the Farmer
The fence line that we cleared of trees and debris has now been mended and the livestock will return home shortly.

Tree Removal
We continue to team up with AmeriCorps St. Louis and tackle the massive amounts of tree damage.

Click Here to learn about and read our micro-blog live from Project Newton County

Come join us in Missouri!