Video message from David Campbell – July 2009


As volunteers you know first-hand the importance and effectiveness the HODR model has on disaster-affected communities. Whether on- or off-project we hope you’ll support our work by becoming a Monthly Donor. Don’t forget that for every $1 you give through Monthly Giving our anonymous donor will give $2 through August 2009, tripling the impact of your donation!

monthly-giving-thermometer-43So far 43 people have signed up as Monthly Donors, nearly half of our goal to reach 100 Monthly Donors by the end of our fiscal year, only one month away! So please sign up today to take advantage of this generous match and help us prepare for the next one.

Thank you for supporting HODR!

One Response to “Video message from David Campbell – July 2009”

  1. [...] you haven’t been automatically redirected to David’s video message, please click here. Thanks for your [...]