Archive for the ‘HODR News’ Category

IOWA: Project Cedar Rapids 90-Day Report

Thursday, October 9th, 2008

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90 days in Cedar Rapids…and oh, what a ride it’s been

300th Home

The focus for the majority of Project Cedar Rapids has been cleaning out flood-affected homes. Through our dedicated efforts we reached and passed a milestone—we cleaned/gutted out our 300th home! As the project evolves we will continue mucking and gutting and work towards our membership in the 400 club.

USA: Hurricane Ike Assessment Update

Wednesday, September 24th, 2008

Our Hurricane Ike assessment team evaluated damage and response levels in the coastal communities of both Texas and Louisiana. We assessed the needs that are present now and those that may arise in the coming weeks. In order to obtain the most accurate information possible, we met with numerous area emergency officials, church pastors, mayors, community members and representatives from other responding relief organizations.

USA: Hurricane Ike Assessment Announcement

Monday, September 15th, 2008


USA: Project Cedar Rapids 60-Day Report

Friday, September 5th, 2008

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60 Days in Cedar Rapids = 1300+ volunteers, 225 homes and let the drywall’n begin!

HODR Video Update

Monday, August 20th, 2007

Bill Driscoll Jr. Joins HODR as Operations Director

Friday, June 15th, 2007

CARLISLE, Mass., June 12 — Hands On Disaster Response (HODR) is proud to welcome aboard Bill Driscoll Jr. to its Operations Staff, to focus on domestic responses. As founder of Persevere Disaster Relief, Inc., Driscoll brings with him two years of experience in disaster relief management.

Bill Driscoll Jr.Driscoll first partnered with HODR during the organization’s Hurricane Katrina response in Biloxi, Mississippi. As a full-time volunteer, Driscoll was a critical member of the operation, leading groups of volunteers and providing media support. In January 2006, First Lady Laura Bush presented Driscoll with the Presidential Call to Service Award for his work with HODR.


UPDATE: Kansas Tornado Relief

Friday, May 11th, 2007

Please read the full Greensburg Tornado Project Summary by clicking here.

HODR Update & Announcements

Thursday, December 7th, 2006

HandsOn Disaster Response family:

Hi Guys. Sorry we have been sparse in communication, here’s an attempt to update you on a broad range of happenings.
