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Profile picture of wawco
  • Member Since: December 18th, 2012
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  • Created a new ticket, #26725, in Core Trac:
    WordPress-tests' WP_PHPUnit_Text_UI Throws Unhandled Exceptions

    10 months ago

  • Created a topic, Invalid Index Warnings, on the site WordPress Support Forums

    1 year ago

  • Posted a reply to "Array Indexes Need Quotes", on the site WordPress Support Forums:
    The code at line 266 can also cause problems when editing. It will begin to…

    1 year ago

  • Created a topic, Array Indexes Need Quotes, on the site WordPress Support Forums

    1 year ago

  • Created a topic, Unnecessary Hassle - Just use a regular page, on the site WordPress Support Forums

    2 years ago