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13 April 2003, 04:48 pm
Maverick to Finish Tomorrow
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Tasaki Osaka Cup
Melbourne - Osaka

Maverick II skipper Brian Petersen reports 'We are about 120 miles from finish, wind permitting should finish about midday tomorrow.
We've had a mixed bag today, fast,eased sheets sailin most of last night, then the breeze fizzled out to nothing for a couple of hours.

Filled in from the NW at 15-18 true so are on starboard tack 40 degrees off course. Japan Current is lee bowing us to be onle 20 degrees off course but reducing speedover ground by up to two knots.

We hope the breeze will move to the NE allowing us to pop thru Kii Suido then into Osaka Bay sometime tonight.

Just had what we hope will be our last meal of pasta on board.

Plenty of shipping now and fishing boats. So we have to keep a sharp lookout tonight.

On the sked tonight Kontrol has gained 33 miles on us, but, baarring some disaster we should crossthe line first, we'll be a couple of happy lads!

But - ' 99 miles only half way in 100 mile journey'' (with apologies to Mr Toshi Terao, Commodore of Osaka Hokko Yacht Club and maybe Confucius!) , so we keep pushing on.'

Brian Petersen
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