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20 March 2001, 11:02 pm
Team Adventure Has The End In Sight
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ClubMed At Dawn

The Race

Team Adventure is approaching Gibraltar at an average speed of 24 knots.
Taking advantage of a strong following south-westerly, generated by a low centred over the Atlantic, Cam Lewis's catamaran should reach the mouth of the Straits of Gibraltar on Wednesday. A ridge of high pressure is parked over Gibraltar at the moment but the catamaran is going to try to force a way through helped by a small front.

Team Legato is still struggling with a high pressure system preventing her from going very fast. The crew is fine, despite the watches that come round faster with her reduced crew.

Warta-Polpharma is making slow progress towards the port chosen for the repairs: Fortaleza in Brazil which the boat will reach probably around the March 22nd. The crew is as yet undecide as to whether they will continue in TheRace. They will take the decision to continue to Marseilles only if they can carry out a reliable repair within an acceptable delay, and we won't be taking risks with the boat.
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