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6 September 2012, 10:43 am
ISAF Publish The Racing Rules Of Sailing 2013-2016 Online And On iTunes
ISAF iOS Racing Rules App
ISAF iOS Racing Rules App

ISAF Secretariat

The International Sailing Federation is pleased to announce the publication of The Racing Rules of Sailing 2013-2016 on the ISAF website and as an iOS application.
The official RRS iOS Application, available on all mobile Apple devices, allows the user to quickly find information about all aspects of the rules that govern the sport on the water.

It is available to buy now for £0.69 on the iTunes App Store.

ISAF Secretary General Jerome Pels said, "The ISAF Racing Rules of Sailing iOS application is a fantastic way for sailors to reference the rules whilst on the go. With national and international race officials carrying mobile devices around the world the benefit of having rules within arm's reach at all times will be evident."

Designed for easy reference whilst on the go the application allows the end user to bookmark specific pages, refer to race signals and breaks down each part in an attractive manner.

The new edition of the RRS is available to view on the ISAF Racing Rules of Sailing page at and you can also order your hardcopy of the RRS 2013-2016 at

The ISAF Racing Rules Committee is tasked with formulating, revising and publishing the RRS, with any changes ultimately subject to the approval of the ISAF Council, the final decision-making body of the International Sailing Federation.
The formulation of the RRS follows the same democratic process upon which all ISAF decision making is based. Proposed changes to the RRS are suggested in Submissions (which can be made by ISAF Member National Authorities, International Class Associations, the ISAF Executive Committee, ISAF Committee Chairmen and the ISAF President) to the ISAF Annual Conference. These are then evaluated carefully by the ISAF Racing Rules Working Party and during the meeting of the ISAF Racing Rules Committee at the Conference. That committee passes its recommendations on to the ISAF Council. Approved changes then comes into force in the next edition of the RRS. So the 2013-2016 RRS reflect rule changes approved by the ISAF Council over the past three years.

The publication of the RRS on the ISAF website marks their first release ahead of their worldwide date of implementation on 1 January 2013.

ISAF Member National Authorities (MNAs) have already received the latest edition of the RRS to give them due time to prepare their own versions of the RRS 2013-2016 including the relevant national prescriptions and translations.

The ISAF policy on the reproduction of the ISAF Racing Rules of Sailing is available online and sets out the rights of MNAs and commercial organizations to use the RRS in publications.

Download the ISAF RRS Application from iTunes App Store by clicking the logo below.

About The Racing Rules of Sailing

The Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS) govern the sport on the water. They are revised and published every four years by the International Sailing Federation. The current edition is The Racing Rules of Sailing 2013-2016. The Racing Rules of Sailing is available for purchase through the ISAF Secretariat and the Apple App Store. You can also download the complete document and related publications on the ISAF website.

Also available on the ISAF website are details of Racing Rule changes authorized by ISAF under Rule 86.2, National Prescriptions and ISAFs Policy on the Reproduction of The Racing Rules.

As a result of actions taken by the ISAF Racing Rules Committee and the ISAF Council during the ISAF Annual Conference, changes may be made to The Racing Rules of Sailing. These changes are published as Supplements to the RRS.
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