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22 September 2002, 10:13 am
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49ers Yesterday ©Annemiek van Kinderen

Open Dutch Championship

Yesterday there was less wind than was hoped for, however with about 2-4 Bft. of wind and very uneasy waters, circumstances were sufficient and difficult to complete the scheduled races.
Spectators on the pontoons, situated at the upper mark, were able to enjoy some exciting racing in the deciding phase of the Open Dutch Sailing Championship for Olympic & Paralympic Classes.

Carolijn Brouwer (NED), currently third in the ISAF World Rankings, maintained her lead as first overall by having a sixth and first place today. Belgium`s Marie Van Laer pushed herself up to a second overall position, followed by Christiane Petzke from Germany with a current third place.

The battle for the Dutch Title in de Open 470 class was settled today when Marcelien de Koning / Lobke Berkhout (NED) completed today`s last and very exciting race in first position over the Coster Brothers (NED) with a third place.
During the last days, Marjon Kooistra / Petra de Goederen (NED) completed the 470 Dutch Sailing Team in the first three overall rankings in third position followed by Sweden`s Karin Almquist / Teresa Enander who had to give up their fourth overall position to Coen de Koning / Wilco Stavenuiter (NED) today after capsizing and choosing the wrong side of the race course.

In the 49er class Quinten Blondiau / Lionel Blondiau (BEL) have enlarged their lead after four races today over the Dutch Sailing Team`s Pieter Lantermans /Pim Nieuwenhuis.

It seems that also Sebastien Godefroid (BEL) is quite confident of his victory in the Finn Class after Jaap Zielhuis (NED) has been chasing him all the way during the event trying to keep the Title in Dutch hands.

Some changes occurred in the Laser Class today where Eduardo van Vianen (NED), now having 13 points, took over the lead from Erwin Veldman (NED), now in third place, in a quite convincing way.

No changes in the Star Class where still Germany`s Marc Pickel / Tony Kolb maintain their leading position followed by Dutch Sailing Team's Serge Kats / Jean Pierre Martens in second place and Marc Blees / Bastiaan Kort (NED) in third.

Yska Minks / Marrit de Vries / Lauren Metz (NED) are leading the Open Dutch event in the Open Yngling Class

Races for the Paralympic Classes have been completed as no more races are scheduled for tomorrow. The IFDS World Disabled Championship starts today.

Damien Seguin (FRA) took over the lead from Australia's Peter Thompson in the 2.4 Metre Paralympic single handed class, and takes the Title of Dutch Champion. The First Dutch participant, Thierry Schmitter, takes a very derserving Third overall position in the very strong International fleet.

In the Paralympic Sonar the Irish team of John C Twomey may call themselves Dutch Champion after they managed to maintain their lead. Maybe a sign of things to come in the forthcoming World Championship.

One more race is scheduled today to finalize the event for all Olympic Classes. There will be some exciting races starting at 10am.
Rick van Wijngaarden/ISAF News Editor
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