Dogger Bank Teesside A & B

Dogger Bank Teesside is Forewind’s second stage of development of the Dogger Bank Zone. Originally planned to be four separate wind farms known collectively as Dogger Bank Teesside, this stage has now been divided into two separate applications - Dogger Bank Teesside A & B and Dogger Bank Teesside C & D.

This first application (A & B) will comprise two wind farms, each with a maximum installed capacity of 1.2GW. They are proposed to connect to the national grid at the existing Lackenby Substation in Teesside.

The development could have a total generating capacity of up to 2.4 GW which means Dogger Bank Teesside A & B has the potential to generate around 8 Terawatt hours (TWh) of green power every year, which is equivalent to the electricity used annually by approximately 1.8 million British homes [1]. 

The first two wind farms are:

Dogger Bank Teesside A with a size of 560km2 and with closest point from shore at 196km.

Dogger Bank Teesside B which is 593km2 and is 165km from shore at its closest point.

These two wind farms will be subject to a single consent and the indicative development programme for this consent is below.

Development programme
Q2 2012 First stage of statutory consultation
2012 - 2013 Environmental surveys and reporting
Q4 2013 Second stage of statutory consultation
Q1 2014 Application for development consent order submitted
Q3 2015 Application determined
2015 onwards Pre-construction, construction and operation

[1]This calculation assumes a capacity factor of 40% and uses an average British home electricity consumption of 4.7 MWh per annum