Dogger Bank Creyke Beck

Notification of Dogger Bank Creyke Beck hearings advertisement  (pdf 55 Kb)
Notice of the next set of hearings being held by the Planning Inspectorate as part of the Dogger Bank Creyke Beck Examination phase - Section 91 and Section 92 Planning Act 2008 Rule 13(6) The Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010. They will be held on Wednesday 16 and Thursday 17 July at the Holiday Inn, Marina Castle St, Hull HU1 2BX, starting at 0930.
Amendment to Notification of Dogger Bank Creyke Beck hearings advertisement (pdf 29 Kb)
This advertisement for the Dogger Bank Creyke Beck hearings includes amendments to the previous version. The last two hearings of this series will now just be held on Tuesday 1 July (Issue specific) and Thursday 3 July (Compulsory acquisition). A final series may be held later in July with dates and venues to be confirmed.
Notification of Dogger Bank Creyke Beck hearings advertisement  (pdf 535 Kb)
Notice of the dates, times and location of the hearings being held by the Planning Inspectorate as part of the Dogger Bank Creyke Beck Examination phase - Section 91 and Section 92 Planning Act 2008 Rule 13(6) The Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010.
Dogger Bank Creyke Beck Section 91 and Section 93 Planning Act 2008 advertisement (pdf 50 Kb)
This advertisement relates to the Dogger Bank Creyke examination phase and notifies interested parties of the dates, times and venue for the upcoming hearings. It will be published in four local newspapers as well as Fishing News.
Section 56, Planning Act 2008, Regulation 9 notice (pdf 60 Kb)
This is the Section 56 (Regulation 9) notice of acceptance of the application for a development consent order to construct and operate Dogger Bank Creyke Beck. To be published in: Lloyds List, Fishing News, Holderness Gazette, Bridlington Free Press, Advertiser series Hull, Hull Daily Mail, The Guardian (national) and the London Gazette.
Planning Act 2008, Regulation 17 (pdf 57 Kb)

This is the Planning Act 2008, Regulation 17, The Infrastructure Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2009 notice of further environmental information: Ornithology addendum. To be published in: Lloyds List, Fishing News, Holderness Gazette, Bridlington Free Press, Advertiser series Hull, Hull Daily Mail, The Guardian (national) and the London Gazette.

Ornithology addendum (relating to the cumulative and in-combination assessment) (pdf 5 Mb)

This addendum updates the assessment of cumulative and in-combination impacts for ornithological receptors as part of the Environmental Statement and Information for Appropriate Assessment Report submitted as part of the application for Dogger Bank Creyke Beck.

Dogger Bank Creyke Beck Section 48, Planning Act 2008 notice (pdf 150 Kb)
This is the Section 48 advertisement of the proposed application for a development consent order to construct and operate Dogger Bank Creyke Beck. Published in: Lloyds List, Fishing News, Holderness Gazette, Bridlington Free Press, Advertiser series Hull, Hull Daily Mail, The Independent (national) and the London Gazette.
Statement of Community Consultation - Dogger Bank Creyke Beck (pdf 482 Kb)

This document sets out how the community will be consulted on Dogger Bank Creyke Beck.

Dogger Bank Creyke Beck - SoCC Consultation Doc (pdf 1 Mb)
This document explains the background to the Statement of Community Consultation (above).
Scoping report (pdf 16 Mb)

This report was submitted to the IPC and the relevant stakeholders to allow them to provide a formal scoping opinion for Dogger Bank Project One.