Results for #nhs

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  2. I cannot imagine ANY of our followers have anything BUT absolute support for the NHS! It's OUR not theirs!

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  3. Wheels are coming off the . We spend less than other G7 nations. "Efficiency savings" have reduced efficiency! Urgent funding is needed

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  4. Don't miss: Mindfulness: an effective mental health treatment but not a panacea

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  5. Oh look. Jeremy Hunt is wearing his badge on Which is a little like Dr. Goebbels wearing the Star of David.

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  6. va definir un nou sistema de de les prestacions de basat en 20 clústers, descobreix-ho

  7. The desperately needs to be led by healthcare professionals, not management consultants and quangos.

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  8. Muchos critican al en Inglaterra, pero yo estoy SEGURO que si pido turno en Glaucoma allá, me dan para el día siguiente

  9. Sí, vamos siguiendo los pasos del

  10. Papel de la en dolencias menores

  11. haciendo noche en el hospital!

  12. 33% en un quiz de reli

  13. Empezamos la semana a tope!! Buen Lunes para todos

  14. My bet is on for Health Secretary if only in spirit

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  15. Katie Hopkins says she needs to be hospitalised weekly due to her Epilepsy. Anyone know where we can get her Health Insurance from?

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  16. It's vital that as many doctors, nurses and healthcare workers as possible, joint the fight to defend our . Get involved or lose it

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