
  1. Let's skip the Dr. Doom speech, I told Catskinner. Just kill that damned thing.

  2. Just under 43,000 words. Just started the scene that's going to get this booked banned nationwide.

  3. I donwanna go back into my book! It's dark and scary and gross in there!

  4. "One More Day" from Les Miz is basically "Tonight" from West Side Story.

  5. There was no sign of the broken people. I didn't think I'd see them again. Not unless The Orchid won and I became one of them.

  6. Okay, so chapter fourteen is just going to be a short chapter. Deal with it.

  7. When I have a hero who's a serial killer possessed by a demon I really have to work to create villains who are worse.

  8. Fortunately I am not capable of cutting off other people's limbs and grafting them on to my own body.

  9. Exactly. One of the things I like about Jim Butcher's "Dresden Files" is that Harry has to do a lot grunt work on his spells.

  10. Technology involves a lot more hard work and a lot less whiz-bang than is obvious from the outside.I figure magic is the same

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