Sailing Endeavour
Derbyshire Sailing Endeavour was a pioneering project which worked to enable people with disabilities to sail.
Sailing Endeavour was a concept which saught to address the perceived and real difficulties in setting up a self help group to provide the means and initiative to enable people with disabilities to sail. These could be experienced sailors who have become disabled or disabled people who wish to take up sailing either as a means of rehabilitation or perhaps the best reason of all – just to mess about in boats. Sailing Endeavour didn't claim to be the definitive method of achieving this goal or being the panacea for solving each and every problem associated with this very complex subject. However, through interaction with like minded groups of people it was found that many of these issues were resolved quickly and easily.
This website is a testament to the hard work and pioneering vision that was Derek Lee.
Sailing Endeavour, no longer an organisation in it's own right, is now part of the Carsington Water Sailing Club.
Mixed ability crew taking part in the 1997 National Match
Racing Championships at Carsington Reservoir