Problems signing in with 2-Step verification?

Some apps and devices require an extra step to work with 2-Step Verification.

How are you trying to access your Google Account?

  • Mail on my iPhone or iPad
  • Mail app on my Mac computer
  • Microsoft Outlook
  • Mail app on my Blackberry
  • Mail app on my Windows phone
  • Other apps on mobile device

Which of these options best describes your situation?

  • The mail app on my iPhone or iPad gives me an "Incorrect Password" error after I add 2-Step Verification to my account.
  • I'm adding a Google Account to my iPhone or iPad for the first time and I use 2-Step Verification.

Which of these options best describes your situation?

  • The mail app on my Mac computer gives me an "Incorrect Password" error after I add 2-Step Verification to my Google Account.
  • I'm adding a Google Account to the mail app on my Mac computer for the first time and I use 2-Step Verification.

Which of these options best describes your situation?

  • Microsoft Outlook doesn’t accept my username and password after I add 2-Step Verification to my Google Account
  • I’m adding a Google Account to Microsoft Outlook for the first time and I use 2-Step Verification

Which of these options best describes your situation?

  • The mail app on my BlackBerry gives me an "Incorrect Password" error after I add 2-Step Verification to my Google Account.
  • I'm adding a Google Account to my BlackBerry for the first time and I use 2-Step Verification.

Which of these options best describes your situation?

  • The mail app on my Windows phone stopped working after I added 2-Step Verification to my account
  • I'm adding a Google Account to my Windows phone for the first time and I use 2-Step Verification

Which of these options best describes your situation?

  • An application on my mobile phone doesn’t accept my username and password after I add 2-Step Verification to my Google Account
  • I’m adding a Google Account to an application on my mobile phone for the first time and I use 2-Step Verification