
to the Royal Forth Yacht Club

Top Stories: See The Pilot page, Club News or Racing News and <<<<<<——-         Posts        <<<<<<<<——-
For Events:  See foot of column on left.
707 Nationals

The club has been hosting the 2014  707 Nationals.  Full report and pictures on 707 Nationals page.  The champions were our own Cacciatore crew.  See also Final Results.

Grand Club Dinner & 707 Nationals Prizegiving

This was the culmination of a week of racing.  See Club News.

Commodore’s Welcome

Royal Forth Yacht Club enjoys a dramatic backdrop of Edinburgh castle and access straight on to open water, perfect for racing and cruising. Though mostly drying there is a wealth of scenic harbours for day sailing along the Fife coast.

Members’ benefits include serviced moorings and ferry service, boat storage, a smart clubhouse with bar, meals and showers. There is a full racing programme for yachts and dinghies, plus training and social events. More information can be found on the pages of the website, using the drop down menus or “Search” facility. See the Cruising page if your interest is in sailing in bigger boats. Also check out our upcoming social events.

We welcome visiting yachts and visitors can lie alongside the pontoons, which are currently being dredged to allow 24-hour access.

Please do contact us if you have any questions or would be interested in joining the Club. Membership is from £148 for the first year with reductions for families, students and juniors. For full details see the Membership Application Form 2014

Mark Primrose – Commodore

Links: For visitor facilities see: Visitors.

Previous Stories: As new posts are made to the site, the older ones slip off the list in the panel on the right. They can still be accessed using the Search function if you know what you are searching for or they can be linked to from: Previous Stories and Reports

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