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Any journalists out there who’d like to pitch a #sensorjournalism idea in our Berlin hack day, Oct 24-26…? http://2014.okfestival.org/sensor-journalism-uncensored/ … pls RT
OK @LEGOLAND_CA, complicated 3D maps are a terrible idea pic.twitter.com/hZefI8ui2e
in 1966, the budget of NASA was 0.5% of US GDP!
Girls' team soundly beating the boys' team at half time @LAGalaxy v @TimbersFC
OH on Sunset Bvd, LA: "What is a scotch egg? Can you cut that in four for us?"
Thanks a million @paulbradshaw @albertocairo @smfrogers @sdoig @nicolaskb (the latter one mainly4the headaches ;-) but loved it)! #ddjmooc
Data journalism MOOC successfully completed! Thanks to all the instructors @smfrogers @paulbradshaw @sdoig @nicolaskb @albertocairo #ddjmooc
#Turkey Deputy PM: women shouldn't laugh in public, 100's of #women post pics of them laughing http://www.clarionproject.org/news/turkish-deputy-pm-women-shouldnt-laugh-public … pic.twitter.com/Fsud2wz1nG
Beautiful composite images mash up Australia in 1914 and 2014. http://on.mash.to/UK474j via @jennijenni pic.twitter.com/EM75pMJLgW
What happens to hostages of countries that don’t pay? "A U.K. passport is essentially a death certificate.” http://www.nytimes.com/2014/07/30/world/africa/ransoming-citizens-europe-becomes-al-qaedas-patron.html?hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&version=LedeSumLargeMedia&module=a-lede-package-region®ion=lede-package&WT.nav=lede-package …
Karl, we salute you! MT “@dudelum: The rest of the world calls it fog, in SF, he's @karlthefog pic.twitter.com/W2SClTTAFd”
This is happening now, and it is must-read --> RT @erinscafe: MY FEELINGS ABOUT 50 SHADES OF GREY: a list
I recommend @erinscafe's list of things that are wrong with #FiftyShadesOfGrey. This is based entirely on my never having read it
Why tongues have the mouse licked http://bit.ly/yourthirdhand pic.twitter.com/wshgvRwKqj
3:04am it should be too dark but as u can see flares turned darkness into light #Gaza https://vine.co/v/MEBz1A3V1EU
Highlights from the 163-year-old archive of The New York Times. Links to TimesMachine are publicly available for seven days after we tweet them.
This is the kind of thing Citizen Kanes built when newspapers made money - at Hearst castle, CA pic.twitter.com/YHxm3TujVr
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