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Dates of next Symposium Monday 19 January - Wednesday 21 January 2015

Double Tree Hilton, 300 Canal Street, New Orleans, USA

Delegate registration details

Closing date for all ISAF delegate registration, including favourable accommodation pricing is 22 December 2014. ISAF Delegates should quote ISAFDevSym2015 in all correspondence.

The 2015 ISAF Development Symposium is organised in partnership with US Sailing and all ISAF delegates are encouraged to stay on for 3 days after the ISAF event in New Orleans to take part in the 2015 US Sailing National Sailing Programs Symposium (NSPS). Full details of both events can be provided by contacting the ISAF Training and Development department.

Aims and Objectives of the ISAF Development Symposium

The first ISAF Development Symposium was held in 2012 as a forum for all ISAF Member National Authorities (MNAs) to discuss areas of Training and Development related work and input into the overall strategy of the International Sailing Federation.

International delegates at this important receive presentations from a number of invited Experts in a variety of sport specific disciplines and take part in break-away sessions where they are encouraged to interact with other delegates, often from other Nations. The ISAF Development Symposium directly compliments the work of the ISAF Development and Youth Committee with the report from this event helping ISAF to gather valuable information on how its work can continue to develop, giving those delegates present who are mostly from New or Emerging Nations a much needed chance to have their voice heard.

A full picture gallery of the 2015 Symposium will on the ISAF Training and Development Facebook page

Regular updates will also available during the event via Twitter

If you have a query about any aspect the Development Symposium including the proposed programme then please contact the ISAF Training and Development department


ISAF Development Symposium Schedule

Draft Schedule V1 - 2015 ISAF Development Symposium


2015 ISAF Development Symposium presentations will be available soon:

ISAF Development Symposium Presentations


The venue for the 2015 ISAF Development Symposium is:

The Double Tree Hilton, 300 Canal Street, New Orleans, USA.

Preferential room rates are available for al international delegates completing their ISAF Development Symposium registration before 22 December 2014.

Further details are available by contacting the ISAF Training and Development department.

ISAF Delegates should quote the following reference in all communications: ISAFDevSym2015

You can see more of the venue hotel by viewing their website here:

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You will find a full report of each ISAF Development Symposium below:

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