Wales This Week


Award winning Current Affairs programme for , dedicated to discussing and investigating the issues that are important to YOU across Wales.

Joined September 2010

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  1. Tonight at 8pm on Wales This Week, watch 11-year-old Garin's incredible story.

  2. Meet Garin - the young man who's exceeding all expectations after being told he'd never be able to walk

  3. Monday 8pm, 11-year-old Garin Morgan's incredible story...

  4. Missed last night's programme Wales This Week: The Real Me? Catch up here:

  5. Tonight on : More young people than ever are coming out as transgender, but is there enough support?

  6. Arts and crafts this lunchtime

  7. Did you miss tonight's ? Tune in to ITVWales+1 at 9pm or catch up here:

  8. Anna-Louise Bates recalls the night she lost her husband and son in a car crash. Tonight at 8pm on

  9. Are seagulls really the scourge of the Welsh seaside? investigates, Monday at 8pm on

  10. 3 Gongs for "Saying Goodbye to Mum" - richly deserved

  11. Filming for on gulls at seaside resorts. Always time for a hot drink stop. thanks!!

  12. Tonight on complaints about the phone and internet service provided by BT in rural Wales. 8pm on ITV

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