About us

Best deal for charities

Online fundraising has become a major source of revenue for many UK charities. Here’s how we aim to help every charity make the most of this simple, cost-effective way to raise money:

1 We're 100% not-for-profit.


It means our charges are as low as we can make them - just enough to cover our operating costs.


If we make any profit in the future, we'll use it to improve our services and reduce our charges in future.

That’s a promise.


2 We’re the official fundraising website for the Virgin London Marathon.


The single biggest annual charity fundraising event on the planet – with massive, worldwide coverage.

Millions of people will visit Virgin Money Giving to sponsor friends and family.

Make sure your charity is registered so people can choose to support you.

Virgin has pledged to help marathon runners raise more than 1/4 billion pounds in sponsorship over the next five years.

"The idea for Virgin Money Giving came from our London Marathon sponsorship. We looked into the sponsorship websites runners were using and wanted to give fundraisers and charities a better deal, and help them raise more money."

Jayne-Anne Gadhia
CEO, Virgin Money


3 Low charges.


Stickman abseiling

We only charge what we need to cover our operating costs.

Just one £100 + VAT set-up charge, and 2% of donations. That’s it.

We don’t charge an ongoing fee to be on our site and there are no monthly or annual fees. Plus we don’t charge to collect Gift Aid.

So more money goes where it's needed - directly to your charity.


4 There’s one low £100 + VAT set-up charge for charities.


Stickman juggling on uni-cycle

Each charity pays a one-off set-up charge.

We want the service to be available to everyone.

Think of it as another tool in your fundraising kit.

One that gives you more bang for your buck.

"Online fundraising is a focused, highly cost-effective fundraising tool.

And it gets your charity into around two-thirds of the nation’s homes."

Source: National Statistics Omnibus Survey September 2008.


5 Setting up your charity’s page is really easy.


Every charity can be online with Virgin Money Giving

Stickman riding a bike

Even if your charity doesn’t have a website, Virgin Money Giving makes the internet and online giving available to all.

Setting up your charity’s page is really easy.

You can even have several pages if you want to promote more events and campaigns.

"Virgin Money Giving gives all charities the best opportunity in the marketplace to maximise their fundraising."

David Bedford, Virgin London Marathon Race Director


6 We reclaim Gift Aid for you and pass it on to you in full.


Stickman with bags of money

We promote Gift Aid to donors and make it easy for them to add it to their donation. So as much as possible goes to your charity.

Gift Aid is reclaimed as quickly as on other fundraising websites, but unlike some other fundraising websites we do it for free.

"If every charity supporter were to give their donations tax-effectively, charities could claim an estimated additional £900 million each year."



7 We collect event fees for you.


We’ve done everything we can to help free up your time and support you in your fundraising work.

Stickman in a tub of beans

It’s easy to set up your events on Virgin Money Giving, and we even collect the fee for you online.

One less thing for you to think about.

"Only 27% of charities believe they are making the most out of the internet."

Source: MissionFish report, June 2008.


8 Toolkits that help maximise your online fundraising.


People who donate online give more frequently and more generously.*

And we’ve got great gizmos to help fundraisers boost their online donations even further.

Stickman on a forklift

They’ll also have their fundraising page for life – not just for one-off events. So they can come back time and again to raise money for you.

It’s all designed to help your charity raise more money online, without eating into your valuable time and resource.

"A fifth of young people who hear about charities online do so through social networking sites."*

* Source: MissionFish report, June 2008.


9 Free, easy-to-use standard or customisable reporting.


We talked to a lot of charities before we started.

And built in features they said would be really useful.

Our technology is designed to make your life easier and make sure that you always know how much you’ve raised and how your campaigns have worked.

Stickman skydiving

You can see simple reports like who your best fundraisers are and how much your charity raised online last month.

Or take full advantage of our customisable reporting to impress your boss.

"Online fundraising is highly cost-effective, raising an average of around £10 for every £1 spent on direct costs including salaries."

* Source: MissionFish report, June 2008.


10 Lots of free online support and advice.


Stickman using a computer

As we’re part of the Virgin family, you know that you’ll be in good hands - and we’ll be working to the very high standards people expect from us.

That includes an easy to use website, with lots of great features and help guides to support charities and fundraisers.

And if you do happen to get stuck, a friendly team is on hand to answer any questions you’ve got.

"The internet can help us reach new audiences, lead our core audience into the digital age, help us form new partnerships, deliver more information more cheaply and extend our global reach."

Charity with 11-21 employees, quoted in MissionFish report, June 2008.


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