Archive for June, 2010

Jun 29 2010

Lark and Cadet Open 10/11 July

Published by under Cadets,Racing

Please find attached links to

Notice of Race larkcadet NORs

course appendix A

Sailing Instructions Larkcadet SIs

and a Parental Declaration LarkcadetParents_Declaration

Entry Form larkcadetentry form

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Jun 29 2010

A couple of racing things

Published by under Racing

hi All,

I hope you had a great weekends sailing, I just have a copule of favours to ask to make getting the results put in quicker and easier for all.

1. If you’re the race officer and the office isn’t open or the duty officer isn’t around to hand the results to, can you put them in the green folder behind the bar which will save us hunting around for them.

2. Can I also ask that if you’re suing a sail with a number other than the one for your boat that you identify this clearly on the sign on sheets as it’s quite tricky to guess otherwise so your result might get accredited to someone else and I’m sure you wouldn’t want that.


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Jun 28 2010

Big Thanks! Hurricane Nationals 2010 & Sprint Open

Published by under Bar,Catering,Cats

On behalf of the Hurricane 5.9 Association I would like to extend a big thank you to TBYC. This years Nationals was said to be the best ever, this was due to all the hard work done behind the scenes. Thank’s to Jo and the catering staff for feeding us all, many of the sailors mention how good the food was. To Gordon and Lorraine and the lovely bar staff for serving lots of drinks, I believe from Nick Elmore, the bar nearly ran out of beer. To the sailing committee, especially to Chris for sorting out the results every day. To Phil Crawford and his Race officers team, working in extremely hot conditions and setting good courses. Big thanks! Tony Clarke and the guard boat crews for your hard work, especially on the Saturday in windy conditions with lots of capsizes and masts down. To my team of event organisers, Kylie Jenkins, Wayne Miller, Pete Sherwin, Paul Palmer, Chris Hull and Andrew Hannah. Thanks for your help and support.  To all the club flag officers, Pete Thompson our Commodore and Nick Elmore, Vice commodore, thanks for support. To our prize sponsors, Hyde Sails, Spartan, AW sailboats and Towergate Mardon insurances. To the Hurricane 5.9 association committee and entrants, who made this event such good fun. Finally to Little Max Duce, who did a stirling job sorting out all the trollies and helping the sailors on the beach. Cheers Struan Wallace, Hurricane Treasurer.

3 responses so far

Jun 28 2010

Duty Swap

Published by under Duty Swap

Unfortunately I am unable to carry out my guardboat duty (SS2) on Sunday 8th August for the Yantlet Trophy (I’ve already swapped once).

If anyone is willing to swap guardboat duty please let me know.

Many thanks Wes
07891 544972 / 01702 293468

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Jun 22 2010

Hurricane Nationals and Sprint Open 25 June-27 June

please follow the links below for

Notice of race hurrisprint NORs

Sailing instructions hurrisprint SIs

and courses Appendix A

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Jun 21 2010

Nore Race 2010

Published by under Uncategorized

congratualtions to Dave Whiteand John and Dan Henderson, Graham Sexton and his lovely and talented crew Kristina who did all the hard work, tactics, navigation, wind forecasting / weather routing etc etc and Tally Eyre and Peter for winning their represented classes in the Nore race this year.

Showing TBYC leads the way in dinghies on the sunny side of the Thames yet again.

provisional results here

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Jun 16 2010

Duty Swap Saturday 3rd July

Published by under Duty Swap

Please somebody swap a Race officer duty with me.

I have a clash with another event.

Thank you


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Jun 16 2010

Nore Race competitors – course change

Published by under Racing

please follow the link below for details

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Jun 14 2010

England V Algeria – Friday 18th June

The club will be showing the England V Algeria match on Friday 18th June, Kick off is at 7.30pm

The kitchen will be open from 5pm – 7pm for pre match sustenance !

See you all there!

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Jun 11 2010

Cross Channel Row

Published by under Bilge

As some of you will be aware, I am part of a team intending to row across the English Channel in the next few days when the weather settles down (now 90% sure for Sunday). If conditions are right, we are also hoping to beat the current record of 2 hours 40 minutes. Why? You might well ask!

It’s all for charity: The AHOY Centre, which is based in east London, provides water based activities for young and disabled people in one of Britain’s most deprived areas. In particular it does a lot of work with young offenders and those who are not in education, giving them some structure to their lives, often for the first time, regularly leading to RYA qualifications and similar.

For more details see

Anyone wishing to sponsor us is very welcome to do so and the JustGiving site is:

Thanks for your support
Kevin Iles

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