Archive for February, 2008

Feb 26 2008

Laser Masters Worlds

Published by under Laser's,Racing

Paul Weeden (Burt) has finished 27th in a 100 boat fleet at the Laser master worlds in Australia.

He was the first GBR boat. Well done Burt!

It must have been the winter training that you got at TBYC.

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Feb 22 2008

Mothers Day

Published by under Social

Mothers Day Bookings.

Traditional Lunch and Club Menu o­n Mothers Day Sunday 2nd March.

Please book your table by 29th February to avoid disappointment.

Call the Club on 587563 to reserve NOW!!!.

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Feb 22 2008

Icicle Series – last two races…

Published by under Racing

The Icicle Series is nearing its conlusion, with the penultimate race this Sunday 24th at 12.30 and the final tussle o­n Sunday 9th March at 11.30.

Don’t forget the Winter Prizegiving which will follow the racing o­n March 9th.

Howard Hawkes(Sailing Secretary).

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Feb 15 2008

The ‘Friday Themed Night’ Series presents: Moroccan Night

Published by under Social

Friday 7th March 2008

Join us for a Middle Eastern Feast and be entertained by Belly Dancers!

Homous, Baba Ganoush & Pitta Bread
Lamb or Vegetarian Tagine with cous cous or rice
Turkish Delights & Coffee or Mint Tea

Dinner: 7.00pm for 7.30pm sit down

Tickets are available from Patsy Wade on 01702 300813
or via e-mail:
Priced at £15.00 per person

This event is likely to sell out fast, so book now!

Remember, the 1st Friday of every month we aim to create a themed dinner for everyone to enjoy. Any themes, entertainment suggestions or recommendations are welcomed and can be passed to:

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Feb 15 2008

Work Weekend

Published by under Working Parties

There is a work weekend this coming weekend 16th/17th Feb. to carry out preparation work o­n the Committee boat ready for painting.
You are all invited!
Please bring a paint scraper, sand paper etc., will be provided.
We will start at 09.30 both days, remember many hands make light work!
See you there.

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Feb 05 2008

Duty Swap Please

Published by under Duty Swap

I need to swap the following duties.

24th March Boat Duty & 17th May Boat Duty. Can do any swap except 20-26 March & 1-7 May.

Richard Abbas. Tel 07971 200519

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Feb 04 2008

Race officer duty swap required

Published by under Duty Swap

Help please !

Swap required for 31 May 2008 as I shall be in Italy. Willing to do any other duty and can make most dates.

Richard Ambrose 01702 551593

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