Boating businesses

This website is for anyone running or considering starting a boating business on the Canal & River Trust’s network.

Floating market, Birmingham
Floating market, Birmingham

The Trust aims to increase visitors to the waterways and ensure that they have an enjoyable experience, so they want to return with friends and family. We believe that waterborne businesses, in all their richness and diversity, can make a significant contribution to achieving this aim. We want to encourage and support boating businesses to thrive and offer high quality services which add life and vitality to our canals and riverside destinations.

We have a dedicated Business Boating Team whose role it is to assist new entrants to boating businesses and help both new and existing operators to trade profitably on the waterway.

Please note that enquiries to set up businesses on the towpath or other Canal & River Trust land should be made to

Whilst we make every effort to provide relevant and accurate information, this website is only a guide and should not be relied upon as your sole source of information.

We welcome feedback on this site. Please send any comments or suggestions you have to

For more information about starting a new boating business, information for existing boating businesses or information about marinas and moorings choose one of the links on the right of this page. 

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Promote your business to the thousands of people who look at our website each day by signing up for a free listing.