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Friends of Mikron

Joining one of the largest theatre ‘Friends’ communities in the country couldn’t be simpler.


Friends of Mikron receive exclusive newsletters and events, a metal pin badge, a complimentary national tour programme every year and 3 Friends newsletters a year.

A growing number of our friends are also helping with tour logistics, poster distribution and of course feeding the cast (this is not encouraged as actors may bite!)

From as little as £10 a year, you can help Mikron to deliver amazing quality theatre anywhere for everyone by canal, river and road!

Join Friends of Mikron here »

400 Club

June Winners, with a prize pot of £141.50 are:

1. B Hunter
2. J. Hoyle
3. D. Spiers

You’ll soon be able to join online, watch this space!

Many thanks to everyone who is already a member.


You can donate here, you don’t need a paypal account, just a credit or debit card.
Thank you in adavance!

Next year...

In 2015 we’re telling two wonderfully British stories.

WI centenary logo Marking the centenary of Britain’s largest women’s organisation, the WI, we’re writing a show of epic proportions to match this amazing federation.

Seafish We’re partnering with Seafish for our wonderful fish and chip show! Wrapped or open, salt and vinegar, mushy peas or curry sauce? We’ll be serving up a treat…

Contact us to find out more »