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The solution is usually coffee, whisky, or fire.
A fun thing to recall before heading out on the road is that removing lead from paint/gas in the 70s correlates to fewer serial killers now…
A journey of a few thousand miles begins with remembering how to drive a car.
Have successfully acquired a Ford Edge. U2 is banned from being played inside this vehicle, also everywhere else. Same goes for Blackbird...
Hush puppies are my kryptonite.
Oh whoops Highway 97 is actually on fire so I guess Im gonna be changing that leg of the route.
uh oh dang looks like disney copyrighted the abstract concept of revelatory personal growth through knowing commitment of an unselfish act
Is Grand Coulee Dam worth seeing?
Hip 2014 trend: bubblebaths.
I whole-heartedly approve of Guardians of the Galaxy’s pro-lunar annihilation stance.
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Im just gonna queue up Yes' Studio Albums from 1969-1987 and ride this day out. http://rd.io/x/QFnqPnsLyQ/
A fun thing to do before planning a solo road trip across the Pacific Northwest is watch a whole bunch of X-Files episodes back-to-back.
Not sure why I bought a camping chair when I own two camping hammocks.
Little known history fact: the Swiss Colony was the only European colony known to have been wiped out by a diabetes epidemic.
DO NOT: touch The Shadow Reveal sea planet battle FishLord summon garbage Do evolution sell guns to fish be popeye pic.twitter.com/Cd57ZSQIVf
A bot that picks a word and then draws randomly until an OCR library (http://antimatter15.com/ocrad.js/demo.html …) reads that word. 4x daily. Also on Tumblr. // by @tinysubversions
Fight fraud with real time machine learning. Integrate in an afternoon. Teach your site right from wrong with http://siftscience.com
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