£50K Inspired Facilities success for Deben YC 

Deben Yacht Club has secured Olympic legacy funding from Sport England’s Inspired Facilities fund. The club will receive £50,000 to upgrade the changing rooms.

Sport England has revealed that more than 1,300 local sports projects across the country have now received National Lottery funding through Inspired Facilities, part of its Olympic and Paralympic legacy programme.   

Deben Yacht Club will receive £50,000 National Lottery funding to upgrade the changing room and toilet facilities. Members had been canvassed in December 2013 on their priorities for improvements and 93% of those who responded agreed that there was a need for bigger and better changing rooms better suited to the needs of members.  

This is part of a long term plan to upgrade facilities at the Club which have already included a new slipway to enable boats to be launched safely and extended room on pontoons for boats. These improvements have resulted in more members joining and taking part in training courses, racing and leisure sailing.   

Sport England’s Chair, Nick Bitel, said: “A year on from the Olympics, this National Lottery investment is helping us deliver a lasting sporting legacy in Woodbridge. With investment now on offer from our Inspired Facilities Fund until 2017, we look forward to supporting many more sports clubs in East Anglia who play such a vital role in grassroots sport.”   

Deben YC Commodore, John Adams, said: “We are delighted to have secured this funding, which means we can upgrade the quality of our club premises to meet the needs of members. We hope that the improved facilities will encourage more people to join our family friendly club.”   

RYA Sailing Development Officer Chris Hussey added: "The RYA suggested the bid for the grant at an RYA winter workshop, assisted in reviewing the bid, and officially supported the bid through the RYA."

To celebrate the award, the club is holding a Try Sailing Day on Sunday 13th July at 12 noon. People are warmly invited to this free taster session to try out the sport. To find out more about sailing at Deben Yacht Club visit http://www.debenyachtclub.co.uk/wp_dir/ or email secretary@debenyachtclub.co.uk

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Article Published: April 16, 2014 9:02


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