Nonprofit Report:
Handonworldwide, Inc.
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Handonworldwide, Inc.

Also Known As:
Hands On Disaster Response
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Former Name(s):
HandsOnThailand (2005) HandsOnUSA (2005)
Physical Address:
Carlisle, MA 01741 
At a Glance:
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M Public Safety, Disaster Preparedness and Relief / M20 Disaster Preparedness and Relief Services
Areas Served:
Throughout the United States

Mission Statement
Hands On Disaster Response (HODR) is a MA-based, 501(c)3 non-profit organization that provides hands-on assistance to survivors of natural disasters around the world with maximum impact and minimum bureaucracy. By supporting volunteers with housing, meals, tools, and organized work at no charge we are able to provide free and effective response services to communities in need.
Impact Statement
In FY2008 (September 1, 2007 - August 31, 2008) HODR responded to 5 natural disasters in 3 countries. Through these deployments HODR engaged over 2,000 volunteers from 34 different countries to provide direct assistance to more than 11,000 families.

FY2008 Projects:
Cedar Rapids, Iowa, USA - Flood Response
Rayenda, Bangladesh - Cyclone Response
Pisco, Peru - Earthquake Response
Newton County, Missouri, USA - Tornado Response
Gassville, Arkansas, USA - Tornado Response

Background Statement
Past HODR Disaster Response Projects:
  • 2009 Project Mena, Arkansas USA, Tornado
  • 2008 Project Gonaives, Haiti, Hurricanes
  • 2008 Project Cedar Rapids, Cedar Rapids and Palo, Iowa USA, Flooding
  • 2008 Project Newton County, Missouri USA, Tornado
  • 2008 Project Gassville, Arkansas USA, 1st micro-deployment, Tornado
  • 2007 Project Rayenda, Bangladesh, Cyclone Sidr
  • 2007 Project Pisco, Peru, Earthquake
  • 2006 Project Santo Domingo, Philippines, Typhoon Reming
  • 2006 Project Jogjakarta, Sawit, Indonesia, Earthquake
  • 2005 HandsOnUSA, Biloxi, Mississippi USA, Hurricane Katrina
  • 2005 HandsOnThailand, Bang Tao, Thailand, Tsunami

How This Organization is Funded
  • SuperFriends: Contributions of $25,000 or more - $345,000
  • Friends: Private Contributions of $1,000 or more - $96,300
  • The HODR Family: 340 Individual Donors - $61,600