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Learn how to drive business sales on Twitter in our new video and blog post - http://ow.ly/zADUp https://amp.twimg.com/v/aba6c045-9e68-4142-975f-a040e05a70ed …
Case study: Read how @flevydocs targeted consultants with Twitter Ads to drive website clicks & generate leads - http://ow.ly/zGv06
Register for a free webinar (8/12) with @HubSpot to learn how to create effective marketing campaigns on Twitter - http://ow.ly/zpmss
Tweet Idea: For Parents’ Day, share the best advice your parents gave you about running a #smallbiz. #mktgkickstart
#SmallBizSuccess Spotlight: Learn how @LUXTan uses Twitter Ads to promote their offerings & to reach new customers - http://ow.ly/zw5zx
Tweet Idea: Retweet an interesting article about your industry or community. #mktgkickstart
Our July newsletter is out! Two big product updates you don't want to miss, plus new research: http://ow.ly/zeEUy
Learn how your business can #hityourgoals with Twitter Ads. Register for our free webinar with @HubSpot on 8/12 - http://ow.ly/zpmss
Get insights into how your Tweets perform with the new Tweet Activity Dashboard. Start here: http://ow.ly/z0Cn9 pic.twitter.com/3Qe6dpBnqX
Tweet Idea: Treat followers to a Twixclusive - an exclusive discount on Twitter that they can’t find anywhere else. #mktgkickstart
Spent a great morning with @SFSCORE discussing the value of Twitter for #smallbiz - Thanks for hosting us! pic.twitter.com/75DrbXqpq0
Tweet Idea: Retweet a positive mention or customer review. #mktgkickstart
Tweet Idea: Feature an employee of the week by posting their photo and the reasons why they deserve a shout-out. #mktgkickstart
Track & optimize your Twitter performance with the new Tweet Activity Dashboard. Learn more: http://ow.ly/z167w http://twitter.com/TwitterSmallBiz/status/487645897803591680/photo/1pic.twitter.com/w0IXMtTZWG
Tweet Idea: For #FF (Follow Friday), highlight an industry expert or influencer who offers helpful advice. #mktgkickstart
Use events to tap into popular interests or conversations that can drive engagement w/ your business's followers - http://ow.ly/z1fLl
Set up a mobile app promotion campaign to drive app installs & engagements on Twitter. Watch our video to learn how: https://amp.twimg.com/v/5c200227-2952-4839-9edc-0d3b9810146e …
Tweet Idea: Take a Vine video to highlight new seasonal inventory. Get started at https://vine.co #mktgkickstart
Wishing you and your family a happy 4th of July.
How are businesses using Twitter Ads? Check out these success stories to inspire you to start your 1st campaign - http://ow.ly/yI9Hg
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