Fast track certification 

You’re about to leave to go off on the boat for your summer holiday on the boat, you’ve got all your documents to hand… but wait!   Your ICC is just about to expire!  What to do?  The RYA can help by offering a fast-track service for urgent processing of all RYA certificates including ICCs, SRCs (VHF), Commercial Endorsements, Yachtmaster Certificates and Instructor Qualifications.  

The fast-track service can be used either by callers-in-person to RYA House or by post, when we undertake to turn the certificate around in 2 working days (often less) and post back to you first class.  

The fee for this service is £25 to non-members, £15 to members and £10 to Gold members in addition to the standard processing fee.

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Article Published: April 01, 2010 16:13

Article Updated: March 18, 2013 14:49


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