Class Certificates 

If you race dinghies, you'll know it's important that your boat complies with class rules.  If you sail a National or International class in the UK, the RYA can offer you a certification service for dinghy and keelboat registration.  Class Certificates issued by us for £25 to non-members, £15 to members' and  FREE to Gold members*.

First Certification

In order to issue a measurement certificate to a boat, we will require a fully completed measurement form together with a building fee receipt/sail number allocation, and a plaque number (some classes do not require this - check the class rules) and the appropriate fee. Wewill also require the owner's name, address and home club, and if appropriate, the name of the boat.

Re-Issue of a Measurement Certificate

If a boat is sold or any of the measurement details alter, the Measurement Certificate must be re-issued. To obtain a new Measurement Certificate, return the original to us together with the certification fee along with the details of any changes.

Duplicate measurement certificates are available at the standard rates.

*Only one free certificate issued per gold member per year.

Contact Us

Article Published: May 19, 2009 12:11

Article Updated: June 10, 2013 11:54


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